Texas Prisons Heat Lawsuit

Four nonprofits are part of a federal lawsuit to protect people in Texas prisons from extreme heat, but previous efforts to address this issue have not been successful.

Mississippi Legislature Budget

Budget writers in the Mississippi Legislature set a revenue estimate of $7.6 billion for the year that begins July 1, which is a decrease of 1% from the current year. Legislators are in a session to finish writing the budget for schools, prisons, health care, and other services.

Human Rights Abuses in El Salvador Prisons under President Nayib Bukele's 'War on Gangs'

At least 241 people have died in El Salvador prisons since President Nayib Bukele's 'war on gangs' began two years ago, with reports of abuse and lack of due process. The government has arrested 80,000 people, but many were released due to lack of evidence. Despite criticism, Bukele remains popular in El Salvador.

Muslims in Prisons in England and Wales

Muslims make up a disproportionately high percentage of the prison population in England and Wales, with white Muslims being overrepresented. Some attribute this to forced conversions within prison gangs, while others deny this claim.

Recruitment of Convict Soldiers by Vladimir Putin for Ukraine War

Vladimir Putin recruited soldiers from Russian prisons to fight in Ukraine, promising pardons. After returning, some have committed heinous crimes, including sexual assault, rape, murder, and cannibalism, causing societal impacts and fears in Russia. Many of these released convicts were part of the Wagner paramilitary group.