Human Rights Abuses in El Salvador Prisons under President Nayib Bukele's 'War on Gangs'

At least 241 people have died in El Salvador prisons since President Nayib Bukele's 'war on gangs' began two years ago, with reports of abuse and lack of due process. The government has arrested 80,000 people, but many were released due to lack of evidence. Despite criticism, Bukele remains popular in El Salvador.

Key Points

  • At least 241 deaths in El Salvador prisons under Bukele's 'war on gangs'
  • 80,000 people arrested, many released due to lack of evidence
  • 35% of those arrested are innocent, 94% of deceased had no gang affiliation


  • Decrease in homicide rates in El Salvador


  • Mass human rights abuses
  • Lack of due process
  • Innocent people arrested
  • Horrifying conditions in prisons