Phoenix Police Department Civil Rights Investigation

A federal civil rights investigation found that Phoenix police discriminate against Black, Hispanic, and Native American people, unlawfully detain homeless individuals, and use excessive force, including unjustified deadly force.

Justice League of Greater Lansing's Reparations Initiative

The Justice League of Greater Lansing, led by Willye Bryan and Prince Solace, has raised around $400,000 to address racial disparities through reparations in Lansing, Michigan. They have received support from various faith communities and individuals, and are now planning to redistribute funds as academic scholarships.

Terrence Howard's Lawsuit Against CAA Over 'Empire' Salary Dispute

Terrence Howard is suing Creative Artists Agency (CAA) for allegedly negotiating a lower salary for him on Empire compared to white actors on other shows. He claims to be owed over $120 million and accuses CAA of self-dealing. CAA is seeking to dismiss the case based on statute of limitations.

Disparity in Deaths of Despair Across Racial Lines in the U.S.

A study by researchers at The Ohio State University reveals a disparity in deaths of despair across racial lines in the U.S., with White Americans more likely to succumb to despair-related situations despite experiencing lower levels of psychological distress overall. The study highlights the broader health implications of despair on mortality rates due to various diseases among White and Black Americans.

U.S. Maternal Mortality Rate Analysis

A new analysis of death certificates suggests that the U.S. maternal mortality rate is much lower than previously reported by the CDC. The rate is closer to those of other wealthy countries, but racial disparities persist. Experts emphasize that most maternal deaths are preventable.