Elimination of DEI Programs in the Military

Sen. Eric Schmitt is pushing to eliminate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs within the military, citing negative impact on recruitment and readiness. He successfully included amendments in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to address these issues.

NATO's High-Readiness Troop Deployment in Response to Russian Threat

NATO countries have exceeded the target of placing 300,000 troops on high-readiness in response to the threat from Russia. The alliance aims to be prepared for a potential Russian attack by ramping up forces and addressing capability gaps.

Military Medicine Innovations in Response to Post-9/11 Wars

After the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq in the early 2000s, military surgeons faced challenges but innovated to achieve the highest rate of survival for battlefield wounds in history. However, post-war cuts to military healthcare risk reversing these gains.

Russian Troops Practicing Exercises for Potential Deployment of Tactical Nuclear Weapons

Russian troops are practicing exercises to ensure readiness for potential deployment of tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield in response to perceived threats from Western allies. The exercises involve training in missile formations and equipping missiles onto fighter jets and armored trucks.

Russian Troops Practicing Exercises for Potential Deployment of Tactical Nuclear Weapons

Russian troops are practicing exercises to ensure readiness for potential deployment of tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield in response to perceived threats from Western allies. The exercises involve affixing missiles and warheads onto fighter jets and armored trucks equipped with missile-firing systems.

Impact of Defense Department Downsizing Measures on Military Health and Readiness

The Defense Department is cutting costs of medical care for troops, retirees, and families. Downsizing measures may be impacting military health and readiness.