San Quentin Film Festival in a California prison

San Quentin, a California prison, will host the inaugural San Quentin Film Festival in October, celebrating the work of current and formerly incarcerated filmmakers. The festival aims to increase awareness of the role of arts and media training in the prison system and provide career pathways to reduce recidivism.

Fatal Shooting of NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller in New York City

Officer Jonathan Diller, 31, was fatally shot during a traffic stop in New York City. The suspects involved had at least 20 prior arrests. There is criticism towards Gov. Kathy Hochul and the bail reform policies in New York. The incident has sparked a debate on recidivism and the criminal justice system.

Fatal Shooting of NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller

Former NYPD Detective criticizes Toronto Police for 'cowardice' after car theft advice; 31-year-old NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller fatally shot during traffic stop in Queens by suspects with prior arrests; Mayor Eric Adams calls out recidivist problem in gun violence cases.

New York Bill Offering Inmates Money Upon Release

New bill in New York proposes offering inmates leaving prison around $2,600 to help them reintegrate into society, sparking debate among lawmakers.