Oklahoma Supreme Court Rules Against Publicly Funded Religious Charter School

The Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled that the state's approval of a publicly funded religious charter school is unconstitutional due to the violation of laws mandating public schools to be nonsectarian and prohibiting the use of public money for religious institutions.

Supreme Court ruling on pro-life doctors and Biden's abortion pill mandate

The Supreme Court unanimously held that pro-life doctors lack standing to challenge Biden's abortion pill mandate, paving the way for Republican-led states to challenge it. The decision is seen as a win for religious liberty, affirming that pro-life doctors cannot be forced to participate in abortion.

Senate Republicans block 'Right to Contraception Act'

Senate Republicans blocked the 'Right to Contraception Act,' calling it radical and a threat to parental rights and religious liberty. Democrats and pro-choice groups argued for reproductive freedoms. The bill failed to pass in a cloture vote.

Legal Victory for Religious Freedom in the Workplace

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of a postal worker in Pennsylvania in a religious liberty dispute. A Christian group won a case against a transit agency over free speech violations. The court ordered the agency to display previously rejected ads. The case highlights issues with censorship of religious speech.

Freedom of Speech and Religious Liberty on College Campuses

Justice Samuel Alito warns college students about declining support for freedom of speech and threats to religious liberty.

Former President Donald Trump's Speech at National Religious Broadcasters Convention

Former President Donald Trump delivered a speech at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville, vowing to defend Christian voters against political persecution and promising to fight for their rights. He listed his wins for Christians during his administration and outlined additional actions he would pursue if reelected. Trump criticized the Biden administration's foreign policy and expressed his commitment to protecting religious liberty.

Kentucky Religious Liberty Bill

A Republican-backed 'religious liberty' bill in Kentucky aims to protect individuals' freedom of religion by prohibiting substantial burdens on religious practices. Critics argue that the bill could lead to discrimination against LGBTQ individuals and weaken existing protections.