President Biden's Executive Actions on Immigration

President Biden's latest executive actions on immigration focus on securing the southern border and providing support to immigrant families already in the country, reflecting recent political shifts.

Voters' Approval on Restricting Asylum Seekers at U.S. Southern Border

Majority of voters approve of restricting asylum seekers at the U.S. southern border, especially when Biden's name is not attached to the plan. Biden's approval rating on immigration has increased, leading to a tight race between him and former President Trump. Partisan differences in opinions are clear, with varying support based on demographics. Immigration remains a key issue for voters in the upcoming election.

Lawsuit against Biden administration's asylum restrictions

Pro immigrant organizations ACLU, National Immigrant Justice Center, and Texas Civil Rights Project filed a lawsuit challenging Biden administration's executive actions restricting asylum in the Southern border.

Arrest of Illegal Immigrants with Alleged ISIS Ties

Fox News reports on the arrest of eight illegal immigrants with alleged ISIS ties who passed through the southern border without being flagged. Sen. Lindsey Graham urges Senate leaders to organize a briefing on the threat of ISIS terrorism at the southern border.

Republican Rep. William Timmons wins primary in South Carolina

Republican Rep. William Timmons won a primary in South Carolina despite split in conservative House Freedom Caucus. Timmons advocates for DEI initiatives in every congressional office and prioritizes securing the southern border.

President Biden's Executive Actions on Asylum at the Southern Border

President Biden's executive actions restricting asylum at the Southern border have already impacted border communities in Mexico.

Migration at the Southern Border

ABC's Martha Raddatz challenges DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on President Biden's border actions, questioning the success of the administration's approach to migration at the southern border.

Impact of Biden's Asylum Policy on Venezuelan Family

President Biden's temporary halt on most asylum claims at the southern border leaves a Venezuelan family in limbo, with one member in Florida and others waiting at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Impact of President Biden's Asylum Policy on Southern Border

President Biden's executive actions halting most asylum claims at the southern border have led to hundreds of migrants being quickly deported back to Mexico. Many migrants are disappointed and unsure of their next steps, with some trying to use legal pathways to claim asylum.

President Biden's Executive Actions on Asylum Claims at the Southern Border

President Biden introduces executive actions to limit asylum claims at the southern border, but exceptions in the order are criticized for being too broad.

President Biden's Executive Order on Asylum Requests at the Southern Border

President Joe Biden signed an executive order to temporarily shut down asylum requests at the southern border once daily encounters exceed 2,500, aiming to address the migrant influx. The order suspends entry for noncitizens who cross unlawfully and makes them generally ineligible for asylum unless under exceptional circumstances.

U.S. Immigration Policy

President Joe Biden takes executive action to temporarily suspend most asylum claims at the southern U.S. border when unauthorized crossings exceed a certain threshold, aiming to gain control of the border.

Attempted Breach of Quantico Marine Corps Base by Foreign Nationals

Two foreign nationals pretended to be Amazon workers to breach Quantico Marine Corps Base in Virginia but were stopped by military police officers using vehicle denial barriers. The men were detained and turned over to ICE. One of the individuals is reported to be a Jordanian foreign national who recently crossed the U.S. southern border and may be on the U.S. terrorist watch list.

Department of Homeland Security's Proposed Rule on Asylum Claims at the Southern Border

The Department of Homeland Security is proposing a new rule to speed up the review of asylum claims and deportation process at the Southern border.

Increase in Chinese Migrants Apprehended at US-Mexico Border

Unofficial report reveals significant increase in Chinese migrants apprehended at US-Mexico border, posing potential national security threat due to lack of information on migrants' intentions and identities. Intelligence debriefings yield little information, with many migrants released into US immediately. Concerns raised about China exploiting weakness in US administration and potential crisis along southern border.

House Republicans unveil foreign aid bills

House Republicans are preparing to unveil foreign aid bills, setting up weekend votes on bills for foreign aid, national security, and the southern border. Speaker Mike Johnson informed members of the plan after significant feedback and discussion. The bills currently lack GOP votes to pass to the floor.

President Biden's plan to limit asylum-seekers at the southern border

President Biden plans to issue an executive order to limit the number of asylum-seekers crossing the southern border, sparking a fierce internal debate.

Migrant Crisis at U.S. Southern Border

Rising tensions in the migrant crisis as Chinese citizens are apprehended at the U.S. southern border, seeking asylum. Numbers have dramatically increased, surpassing Mexican citizens in apprehensions.

Michigan Poll Results: Trump vs. Biden

Former President Donald Trump has the edge on President Joe Biden in Michigan, according to a recent poll. Most voters in the state back mass deportation of illegal aliens. Economic issues are the top concern for voters, followed by abortion and illegal immigration.

Illegal Immigration at the US Southern Border

Former acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf discusses the need to reinstate 'Remain in Mexico' and end catch and release policies on illegal immigration. Almost 1,000 'gotaway' migrants entered the US through the southern border. Migrants continue attempting to cross the border, impacting multiple states. Public opinion on illegal immigration remains a major concern.

Chinese Nationals Immigration Crisis in the U.S.

Chinese nationals are streaming into the U.S. through the southern border in record numbers, exposing a migration crisis. Motivations range from seeking political or religious freedom to better benefits and economic opportunities. The journey is perilous, with risks like detention and fines for fraudulent documents. Some express support for President Biden, while others are indifferent to U.S. politics.

Migrant Encounters at the Southern Border

Record-high numbers of migrant encounters at the southern border in February, causing concern and debate among America's leaders and citizens.

Political Shift in Michigan

Republican Senate candidate Mike Rogers attributes the political shift in Michigan from Democrat to Republican to President Biden's policies, citing rising grocery prices, gas prices, and crime from the southern border as key concerns. He highlights the contrast between Trump's presidency and Biden's as a driving force for the shift.

Terrorists Crossing the Southern Border

House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) stated that the number of known and suspected terrorists crossing the southern border who are actual threats is pretty small. Many are Colombians who may have been associated with revolutionary groups. Border security needs improvement but should be discussed truthfully without raising risk in immigrant communities.

Honduran migrant wearing Biden shirt at U.S.-Mexico border

Honduran migrant at U.S.-Mexico border wears Biden-Harris 2020 shirt to be let in, unaware of its meaning. Concerns rise over potential spring surge of illegal crossings at the southern border. Texas National Guard blocks Border Patrol from entering Shelby Park to curb illegal immigration.

Illegal Immigration Crisis at U.S. Southern Border

CBP officers arrested multiple individuals at the southern border for immigration law violations, including human smuggling attempts and presenting fake entry documents. The incidents occurred at the Juarez-Lincoln Bridge in Laredo, Texas.

Border Crossings at the Southern Border

Discussion on President Biden and former President Trump's border visits, potential spring surge of illegal crossings at the southern border, shift in crossing traffic away from Texas to Arizona and California, Gov. Greg Abbott's enforcement efforts, and border becoming central to the 2024 presidential election.

President Biden's Visit to Southern Border and Vice President Kamala Harris' Role

President Biden visited the southern border in Texas without Vice President Kamala Harris, who was tasked with leading the diplomatic outreach to tackle the 'root causes' of migration. Harris' role appears to have shrunk amidst a historic year for illegal immigration.

Contrasting Visits of Biden and Trump to the Southern Border

Fox News host Jesse Watters discusses the contrasting visits of President Biden and former President Trump to the southern border, highlighting Biden's photo op in Brownsville, where minimal migrant activity was observed.

President Biden's visit to the southern border

Fox News host Laura Ingraham criticizes President Biden's visit to the southern border, attributing it to his low poll numbers and political strategy.

Political News - Biden and Trump Visiting Southern Border

President Biden and former President Trump give competing speeches at the southern border. Biden visits Brownsville, Texas, while Trump visits Eagle Pass, Texas. Biden's visit aims to address his low popularity on the border issue.

Biden and Trump Visiting Southern Border in Texas

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are both visiting the southern border in Texas, focusing on immigration as a key issue for the upcoming 2024 presidential campaign. Biden is visiting Brownsville while Trump is expected to visit Eagle Pass. The visit is seen as a political move to address the ongoing migrant influx and border security funding.

Children Crossing Southern Border

Dr. Phil shared alarming information on 'The View' about children crossing the southern border being sent into prostitution and sweatshops, using American tax dollars.

Visit to Southern Border by Presidents Biden and Trump

President Biden is planning to make a rare visit to the southern border on the same day as former President Trump, highlighting the urgency of the immigration issue under the Biden administration.

President Joe Biden considering new border security rules

President Joe Biden is considering announcing new border security rules to partially reverse his pro-migration policies that are hurting his re-election chances in 2024. The leaked actions aim to lower illegal border crossings and address the chaos at the southern border.

Terrorist Encounters at the Southern Border

Former FBI Director of the Terrorist Screening Center expressed concern over the high number of known or suspected terrorists encountered at the southern border, causing him 'sleepless nights.' The current numbers far exceed what worried him during his tenure.