Death of Bill Anders, Apollo 8 Astronaut

Bill Anders, Apollo 8 astronaut who captured the iconic Earthrise photo, has passed away at age 90 in a plane crash. The photo, taken during the first human mission to the moon in 1968, provided a new perspective of Earth from space.

Growing Challenges in Space and Cyber Warfare

The growth of space and cyber technologies worldwide is challenging America's traditional national security strategy, as other countries are closing the gap in these areas, leading to increased competition and potential ripple effects of war on American soil.

Boeing's Starliner Flight Delay

Boeing's first Starliner flight with astronauts on board was called off in the final minutes due to an unspecified reason. The crew is safe and will disembark. Backup launch dates are scheduled. This flight test is a critical step before certifying the Starliner system for regular missions to the International Space Station.

Fine Dining in Space

A Michelin-starred chef is partnering with a space tourism startup to offer a fine dining experience 100,000 feet above sea level in 2025. The meal will be inspired by space innovation and will include unique items like glow-in-dark stars and edible space junk. Climate change will also be a topic of conversation during the six-hour journey aboard Spaceship Neptune.

Mysterious Spiral UFO Sightings in the US and Europe

Social media users report mysterious spiral UFO sightings in the US and Europe, with witnesses describing objects emitting haze in clear night skies. Sightings occurred in Ukraine, Finland, Arizona, and California. Interest in UFOs rose after experts warned of national security threats. Poll shows increased belief in alien spacecraft visits. Videos and images shared on social media. Some sightings explained as SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launch exhaust. Newsweek reporter covers the story.

China's Potential Moon Takeover

Nasa warns that China may attempt to take over parts of the Moon within a few years, raising concerns about secret military operations disguised as civilian space programs. International tensions could arise as countries and companies explore mining the Moon, with implications for ownership and territorial claims.

Close Call Between Russian and Nasa Satellites

A Russian satellite narrowly avoided colliding with a Nasa satellite, which could have resulted in dangerous debris shooting around Earth. Nasa is launching a Space Sustainability Strategy to monitor satellites and prevent collisions in crowded low Earth orbit.

Space One's Kairos Rocket Explosion

Japan's Space One's small, solid-fueled Kairos rocket exploded shortly after its inaugural launch, aiming to put a satellite in orbit. The company plans to offer 'space courier services' to domestic and international clients.

Forensic Science in Space

A new study conducted aboard the 'Vomit Comet' simulates blood splatters in space to understand forensic science in microgravity. The study reveals that blood in space behaves differently and has implications for future space investigations.

Japan-India Security and Economic Cooperation Against China's Influence

Japanese artist and YouTuber Yoko Ishii discusses Japanese lifestyle contributing to lower obesity rates. Japan and India agree to boost security and economic cooperation against China's influence. The two countries plan to expand bilateral security cooperation, including defense equipment and technology transfers, and explore new areas of cooperation like space and cybersecurity.