High-Rise Residential Tower for the Homeless in Los Angeles

A new high-rise residential tower for the homeless costing $600,000 per unit opened in downtown Los Angeles. It offers 278 units with various amenities and is funded by taxpayers.

Democratic staffer criticized for thanking Biden for canceling his student loans

A Democrat staffer shared a post thanking President Joe Biden for canceling his student loans, causing criticism on social media for not paying off his own debts and burdening taxpayers.

Controversy over Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

Only 30% of Americans approve of President Biden's plan to transfer financial responsibility for student loans from borrowers to taxpayers. Critics argue that 'loan forgiveness' is misleading as the burden is merely shifted to taxpayers. The student loan program is criticized as a scheme benefiting left-wing universities and a vote-buying tactic by the Biden administration.

First Lady Jill Biden's Transatlantic Travel for Son's Trial

First Lady Jill Biden's extensive transatlantic travel to attend her son's trial is being planned to be reimbursed by the Democratic Party, with most costs likely falling on taxpayers. The government is reimbursed the value of a first-class fare for these flights. Hunter Biden is accused of lying about his drug addiction to get a gun and illegally possessing a gun. The costs of staffing and security for Jill Biden's travel will likely fall to taxpayers.

Impact of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Services and Benefits

Former Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf discusses the national security concerns arising from the surge of special interest aliens amidst the border crisis. Illegal immigrants receive various services and benefits in the U.S., with many being released into the country due to court backlogs. Conservatives argue that providing benefits acts as a pull factor for migrants, burdening American taxpayers. NGOs and federal funding support migrants' needs, including shelter, medical care, and travel assistance.

President Biden's DACA Amnesty Plan

President Joe Biden declared DACA illegal aliens as 'model citizens' and aims to offer them green cards and eventual citizenship. This move could have significant financial implications for American taxpayers.

Affordable Care Act and DACA

President Joe Biden is opening the Affordable Care Act to illegal aliens enrolled in the DACA program, potentially costing American taxpayers billions annually.

Impact of Healthcare Costs for Undocumented Immigrants in Florida

Florida passed a law requiring hospitals to disclose costs of unpaid care for migrants, showing a $566 million loss in 2024. Gov. DeSantis signed a bill in 2023 to track costs of care for illegal aliens. Hospitals are facing significant financial burdens due to providing care for undocumented individuals.

AOC Praises Biden's Student Loan Bailout on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez praised President Joe Biden's student loan bailout plan on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, highlighting benefits such as relieving debt and enabling travel abroad. The plan is expected to transfer billions of dollars of student debt to American taxpayers.

IRS Warning on Unclaimed Tax Refunds for 2020

IRS warns taxpayers of unclaimed refunds totaling over $1 billion for tax year 2020, with a deadline of May 17 to submit returns. Taxpayers typically have three years to claim refunds, and the IRS advises gathering necessary documents to avoid missing the deadline.

Investigation into IRS's Use of AI to Surveil American Taxpayers

House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan and Rep. Harriet Hageman are investigating the IRS's use of AI to surveil American taxpayers without legal process, raising concerns about privacy and civil liberties.

Government Spending

The budget bill in Congress contains over 6,000 earmarks costing taxpayers more than $12.7 billion, with some questionable projects like a $1.4 million solar energy project in Wisconsin and a $4 million grant for the 'Alaska King Crab Enhancement Project'. Earmarks are seen as wasteful and Congress should not be putting taxpayers on the hook for frivolous handouts.

Fiscal Impact of Refugees and Asylum Seekers

A celebratory report by the Department of Health and Human Services claims the federal government made a profit of $37.5 billion from 2.9 million refugees and asylum seekers, but this profit is misleading as it excludes many costs paid by taxpayers. The report is being used to justify importing more refugees, but it fails to consider long-term costs and impacts. The report also hides information about the most expensive and least expensive categories of migrants.

Impact of Migration on British Taxpayers

A report reveals that British taxpayers have subsidized foreign students and economically inactive migrants with £36 billion over three years. Despite promises to reduce migration, the UK continues to see a rise in immigration, leading to a recession.