Fiscal Impact of Refugees and Asylum Seekers

A celebratory report by the Department of Health and Human Services claims the federal government made a profit of $37.5 billion from 2.9 million refugees and asylum seekers, but this profit is misleading as it excludes many costs paid by taxpayers. The report is being used to justify importing more refugees, but it fails to consider long-term costs and impacts. The report also hides information about the most expensive and least expensive categories of migrants.

Key Points

  • The report's profit calculation is misleading as it excludes many costs paid by taxpayers.
  • Long-term costs and impacts of refugees and asylees are not considered in the report.
  • The report fails to provide a comprehensive analysis of the fiscal impact of refugees and asylees.


  • The report claims the federal government made a profit of $37.5 billion from 2.9 million refugees and asylum seekers.
  • Refugees and asylees contribute positively to the U.S. economy.


  • The report excludes many costs paid by taxpayers, resulting in a misleading profit margin.
  • Long-term costs and impacts of refugees and asylees are not considered in the report.