Terrorist Attack in Dagestan, Russia

A terrorist attack in Russia's Dagestan Republic killed 20 people, including police officers and an Orthodox priest. The attackers targeted a synagogue, churches, and a police station. Questions remain about who was behind the attack and their motives.

Foiled Terrorist Attack on Paris Olympics Soccer Events

French authorities foiled a plan to attack soccer events during the Paris Olympics, with an 18-year-old man from Chechnya arrested for planning to target the Geoffroy-Guichard stadium in Saint-Etienne. The suspect intended to attack spectators and police forces to become a martyr.

Shooting of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot by a left-wing poet and activist who confessed to the shooting for political reasons. The attacker wanted to wound Fico so he could no longer be the Prime Minister. The motive behind the attack was mainly due to the government's lack of military aid to Ukraine.

October 7: In Their Own Words play depicting Hamas terrorist attack

The new play 'October 7: In Their Own Words' brings to life the Hamas terrorist attack through the actual words of Israelis who lived through the event. The play's producers, Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer, conducted interviews with survivors and the play runs in New York amidst a time of surging anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiment.

Teen Arrested for Planning Terrorist Attack in Sydney

A 15-year-old boy in Sydney, Australia, is applying for bail after being charged with planning a terrorist attack and being part of a network of teens with extremist ideologies. The boy's lawyer argues for exceptional circumstances due to the boy's behavioral issues and low self-esteem.

Stabbing at Christ The Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley, Australia

A suspect was apprehended after multiple people were injured during a stabbing at a church in Wakeley, Australia. The attacked bishop forgave his assailant and urged calm among church members. The incident was described as a terrorist act.

Israeli Settlers Rampage in West Bank

Israeli settlers in the West Bank went on a rampage, attacking Palestinian villages following the killing of a missing Israeli teen in a 'terrorist attack.' Tensions have been high since the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza. Dozens of people were injured in confrontations, with homes and cars set on fire.

Violence in Israeli-Occupied West Bank

Violence erupted in the Israeli-occupied West Bank as Israeli settlers attacked Palestinian villages following the killing of a missing Israeli teen in a 'terrorist attack.' Dozens were injured and multiple homes and cars were set on fire. Tensions have been high since the Israel-Hamas war in nearby Gaza began in October.

Russian Crackdown on Migrants After Moscow Terrorist Attack

Russian authorities have been accused of targeting migrants with raids, deportations, and baseless arrests following a terrorist attack in Moscow. Migrants are being beaten, intimidated, and extorted by police, leading to a surge in citizens leaving Russia and instances of discrimination. The government is cracking down on illegal migration, blaming the attack on immigrants, and proposing stricter policies to limit foreigners' stays.

Moscow Terrorist Attack and Russian Government Response

Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Director Sergey Naryshkin claims U.S. warning about Moscow terrorist attack was ignored due to vagueness. Russian government blames U.S. and Ukraine for aiding the attack. Putin dismisses Western warnings as blackmail. Questions arise about Russian security lapses. Putin uses attack as pretext for crackdown on Russian citizens of Central Asian origin.

Steven Seagal visits victims of Crocus City Hall terrorist attack in Moscow

Former American action movie star Steven Seagal, now a Russian citizen and supporter of Vladimir Putin, visited recovering victims of a terrorist attack at a Moscow hospital. He praised the victims for their courage and criticized the attack. Seagal has a history of supporting Putin and was awarded the Russian Order of Friendship. The attack is blamed on the Islamic State, but Russia claims Ukraine and the United States were involved. The Russian Investigative Committee alleges the attackers received money from Ukraine. Washington and Kyiv deny the accusations.

Terrorist Attack at Crocus City Concert Hall in Russia

Russia is reeling from a terrorist attack at the Crocus City concert hall near Moscow, with over 130 people killed. Suspects, reportedly from Tajikistan, have been charged. The attack has punctured Putin's image as a leader of security. ISIS-K has claimed responsibility, but Russian officials focus on a possible Ukrainian connection. Putin vows retaliation, raising concerns about the war in Ukraine.

Moscow Terrorist Attack

Russian President Vladimir Putin acknowledges that the deadly terrorist attack at a rock concert was carried out by radical Islamists, despite previous resistance to this classification. He accuses the United States of trying to cover up the true motivating force behind the attack, claiming it was the work of Islamist terrorists in conjunction with Ukrainians.

Accusations Surrounding Moscow Terrorist Attack

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson accuses American government of bailing out Ukraine by blaming Islamic State for terrorist attack in Moscow; Russian President Putin does not mention Islamic State or radical Islamic terrorism in his address; Russia does not publicly agree with Islamic State claim; Russian government identifies four men involved in the attack, at least one identified as a Tajik national.

Terrorist Attack in Moscow Blamed on Biden and ISIS-K

The Chinese state propaganda Global Times newspaper blames President Biden for creating conditions that allowed a terrorist attack in Moscow by ISIS, resulting in 137 deaths and 182 injured. The attack was at a concert hall, with ISIS-K claimed responsibility. The US withdrawal from Afghanistan is seen as a factor in the rise of ISIS-K.

Terrorist Attack in Moscow

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev calls for execution of everyone involved in a terrorist attack in Moscow, which resulted in 137 deaths and over 140 wounded. Russia does not have the death penalty in its criminal code, so official execution is not possible.

Terrorist Attack in Russia

Suspect in terrorist attack in Russia reportedly electrocuted by genitals during interrogation. Evidence of medieval torture methods linked to Kremlin leaked. Suspects face severe beatings and torture in custody.

Moscow Terrorist Attack Suspects

Four suspects accused of a terrorist attack in Moscow concert hall appeared heavily beaten in court. They face life imprisonment. The attack killed over 130 people. Russian officials are calling for severe punishment, including death penalty.

Russia Concert Hall Attack Suspects

Four suspects accused of staging a terrorist attack at a concert hall in Russia, resulting in over 130 deaths, appeared in court showing signs of beatings. Some suspects admitted guilt, but their conditions raised concerns about the validity of their statements. The attack has been claimed by an Islamic State affiliate, and Russian authorities arrested four suspects and detained seven others. The attack led to a national day of mourning in Russia.

Terrorist Attack in Moscow Concert Hall

Russian President Putin accused Ukraine of involvement in a terrorist attack, but Ukraine strongly denied any connection. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack, which killed more than 130 people in a Moscow concert hall.

Accusations against Donald Trump for ordering the January 6 attack

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accuses former President Donald Trump of ordering a 'terrorist attack' on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, stating that he is facing multiple criminal charges and investigations in various jurisdictions.

Moscow Massacre Blamed on Ukraine

Putin hints at blaming Ukraine for Moscow massacre that left 133 dead; ISIS-K claims responsibility for the attack; Putin vows vengeance and declares a day of national mourning; Russia arrests suspects and denies Ukraine's involvement; US officials link ISIS-K to the plot; Horrific details emerge from the deadly terrorist attack.

Terrorist Attack at Moscow Concert Hall

A terrorist attack at a Moscow concert hall resulted in over 130 deaths, with ISIS claiming responsibility. Russian authorities arrested suspects, some of whom were identified as citizens of Tajikistan. The attack led to tensions between Russia and Ukraine, with the US confirming ISIS involvement.

Moscow Concert Hall Terrorist Attack and Russian Military Response

A deadly terrorist attack at a Moscow concert hall led to Russian missile strikes on Ukraine, with one missile entering Polish airspace. Russian forces launched 57 missiles, and Poland demands explanations for airspace violation. Russian President Putin claimed attackers fled to Ukraine. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.

Terrorist Attack at Moscow Concert Hall

A terrorist attack at a concert hall in Moscow, claimed by ISIS, left over 130 dead. Russian officials blamed Ukraine, while the U.S. issued warnings prior to the attack. Putin labeled the attack as terrorism and declared a day of mourning. The attackers were detained, and it is believed that ISIS-K was responsible.

Terrorist Attack in Moscow by ISIS-K

Russian President Putin claims terrorist attack suspects were trying to escape to Ukraine, while Ukraine denies involvement. ISIS-K, operating out of Afghanistan, took credit for deadly attack in Moscow. U.S. had intel about planned attack in Moscow, shared with Russian authorities. ISIS-K has been active in Russia, with a focus on carrying out attacks against the Kremlin.

Moscow Concert Hall Terrorist Attack

A terrorist attack at a concert hall in Moscow left 133 dead, with Russia blaming Ukraine and ISIS-K claiming responsibility. Putin vowed vengeance and declared a day of national mourning. The attack has led to tensions between Russia and Ukraine.

Terrorist Attack on Moscow Concert Hall

Russian President Vladimir Putin vows to punish those behind a terrorist attack on a Moscow concert hall that killed at least 133 people. The Islamic State claims responsibility for the attack, but Kyiv denies any connection. Putin compares the attackers to Nazis and declares a day of national mourning. Russia arrests 11 people in connection with the attack and promises to punish all involved.

Moscow Concert Hall Terrorist Attack

A terrorist attack at a concert hall in Moscow left at least 133 people dead, with 11 suspects apprehended. The attack was claimed by ISIS, but there are suggestions of a Ukrainian link. Russian President Putin declared a day of mourning and increased security measures in the country.

Deadly Terrorist Attack at Crocus City Hall in Moscow

A deadly terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall in Moscow resulted in 115 people killed. Suspects were planning to cross the Russian-Ukrainian border. ISIS claimed responsibility, but Ukraine denied involvement. Over 115 were hospitalized, and 11 suspects have been detained. Previous deadly terror attacks in Russia were mentioned.

Terrorist Attack at Moscow Concert Hall

ISIS claims responsibility for a terrorist attack at a concert hall in Moscow, Russia, leaving over 60 people dead and nearly 150 injured. The attack involved gunmen in combat gear opening fire and throwing explosives, setting the building on fire. Russian officials are investigating the incident.

Terrorist Attack at Moscow Concert Hall

40 people died and over 100 were wounded in a terrorist attack at a Moscow concert hall. The attack is the deadliest in Russia in recent years. President Putin had recently solidified his power in a landslide election victory.

Terrorist Attack at Russian Concert Hall

A terrorist attack at a concert hall in Russia resulted in at least 40 deaths and over 100 injuries. The attack involved gunmen in combat gear who opened fire and threw explosives, causing a massive blaze. The incident occurred shortly after Russian President Vladimir Putin's reelection.

Terrorist Attack at Crocus City Concert Hall in Moscow

A terrorist attack at the Crocus City concert hall and mall in Moscow, Russia, has left over 100 casualties. The attackers stormed the venue, opened fire, and set the complex on fire. Concertgoers were seen hiding and escaping the gunfire. The attackers have barricaded themselves inside the burning building.

Terrorist Attack at Moscow Concert Hall

A terrorist attack at a concert hall in Moscow has resulted in at least 40 dead and more than 100 injured, including children. Regional leaders have canceled events, and international condolences have been expressed. The U.S. is monitoring the situation, and there are reports of gunmen in combat fatigues causing chaos and fire at the venue.

Heightened Security Alert in Moscow for U.S. Citizens

U.S. citizens in Moscow have been warned to avoid large gatherings due to heightened fears of a terrorist attack. Russian FSB foiled a planned attack by an Afghan offshoot of ISIS on a synagogue in Moscow. The U.S. Embassy criticized Russia for designating American educational organizations as 'undesirable.'

Terrorist Attack in Burkina Faso

Pope Francis sends condolences to victims of terrorist attack in Burkina Faso, expressing sorrow and calling for peace among religions.