U.S.-China Trade Relations on Electric Vehicles

China's state-run Global Times criticizes Biden administration's threats of tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles as a 'farce' and a political show, vowing to defend Chinese interests and create a dominant EV supply chain. U.S. officials warn of Chinese overcapacity and subsidies flooding foreign markets with cheap goods.

Trade Policy Between US and China

Former President Trump criticizes President Biden for adopting an America First tariff policy on Chinese goods, vows to implement harsher tariffs on China upon returning to the White House. Trump claims Biden's $18 billion worth of tariffs on Chinese electric vehicle imports will have minimal impact, urges broader action against China.

New China Tariffs by Biden Administration

President Joe Biden's administration is planning to impose new China tariffs targeting strategic sectors like electric vehicles, batteries, and solar cells ahead of the 2024 election. The move is seen as a shift in policy from Biden's earlier stance on tariffs.

U.S. Steel and Trade Policy

The article discusses the potential acquisition of U.S. Steel by Nippon Steel and the implications on trade policy. It challenges the notion of protectionism and questions the supposed benefits of the deal.