President Joe Biden's speech gaffes and corrections

Aides to President Joe Biden corrected nine gaffes on a transcript of his speech, raising concerns about his fitness for office. The White House issued 148 corrections to transcripts of his remarks between January and April.

President Joe Biden's handling of classified documents investigation

President Joe Biden falsely claimed that special counsel Robert Hur asked him about his son Beau Biden's death during an interview about handling classified documents. The transcript shows Biden brought up Beau's death himself. Hur did not recommend charges against Biden for mishandling classified documents, citing lack of evidence and Biden's poor memory as factors.

President Biden's handling of classified documents and memory

Transcript from special counsel's interviews with President Biden show he repeatedly insisted he never deliberately intended to retain sensitive files, despite some memory lapses. Special Counsel Hur faces questioning over his conclusions about Biden's memory limitations. Biden angrily responded to Hur's claims about his memory in relation to his son's death. The transcript also reveals lighter moments in the conversations.

President Biden's interview with special counsel Robert Hur

President Biden mixed up dates and events during a five-hour interview with special counsel Robert Hur, leading to concerns about his mental lapses. The transcript supports Hur's account, despite pushback from the president and the White House.

Joe Biden's Interview with Special Counsel Bob Hur

Transcript of Joe Biden's interview with Special Counsel Bob Hur shows president frequently wandering off topic and making 'car noises', talking about his Corvette and other unrelated stories.

House Judiciary Committee Hearing on President Biden's Mishandling of Classified Documents

The House Judiciary Committee will hear testimony from Special Counsel Robert Hur on President Joe Biden's mishandling of classified documents. The transcript of Biden's interview with Hur reveals the president brought up his son's death.

Hunter Biden's Deposition

Hunter Biden's deposition transcript reveals he can't remember sending incriminating messages due to being drunk or high. He confirms receiving money from Chinese companies despite previous denial.

House Republicans Subpoena Special Counsel for Biden Interview Transcript

House Republicans subpoena Special Counsel Robert Hur for transcript and recordings of President Biden's interview regarding mishandling of classified documents. DOJ working on gathering and processing documents. Biden's re-election campaign concerns raised due to Hur's report.

President Biden's Memory and Fitness for Office

President Biden's Justice Department missed the deadline to hand over a transcribed interview by Special Counsel Robert Hur, which could shed light on Biden's memory and fitness for office. The White House is undecided on releasing the tape and transcript, despite media speculation about Biden's health. Democrats and Americans have expressed doubts about Biden's mental and physical health.