President Biden's handling of classified documents and memory

Transcript from special counsel's interviews with President Biden show he repeatedly insisted he never deliberately intended to retain sensitive files, despite some memory lapses. Special Counsel Hur faces questioning over his conclusions about Biden's memory limitations. Biden angrily responded to Hur's claims about his memory in relation to his son's death. The transcript also reveals lighter moments in the conversations.

Key Points

  • Biden repeatedly insisted he never intended to retain sensitive files
  • Transcript shows Biden's memory lapses but also moments of clarity
  • Hur's conclusions about Biden's memory limitations facing scrutiny
  • Biden's emotional response to allegations about his memory in relation to his son's death
  • Lighter moments in the conversations show a different side of Biden


  • Transparency in revealing the contents of the interviews and conversations between President Biden and the special counsel
  • Insight into Biden's perspective and responses to allegations regarding his memory and handling of classified documents


  • Questions raised about Special Counsel Hur's conclusions and portrayal of Biden's memory limitations
  • Controversy surrounding the handling of classified documents by the President