Fortune 100 CEOs' Likely Voting Behavior in the 2024 Election

Yale's Jeffrey Sonnenfeld claims Fortune 100 CEOs will be 'reluctant Biden voters' in November because they 'truly fear' Donald Trump. Sonnenfeld, senior associate dean for leadership at the Yale School of Management, based his claims on his interactions with chief executives.

Gun owners and voting behavior

Gun owners tend to vote more reliably compared to non-gun owners, contrary to claims made by some politicians such as Donald Trump. Research shows that the more guns one owns, the more likely one is to vote. Gun owners are an important political group in American politics, showing up consistently on Election Day.

Impact of Happiness on Voting Behavior in the 2024 Presidential Election

A survey by Florida Atlantic University's PolCom and Mainstreet Research found that supporters of the Democratic party and President Joe Biden are generally happier than supporters of the Republican party and Donald Trump, which could influence voting behavior. The survey also highlighted differences in happiness levels among age groups, income levels, and race, with higher-income respondents reporting greater levels of happiness and political support. The 2024 presidential race is expected to be closely contested.