Mexico City Water Crisis

Mexico City is facing a severe water crisis due to a combination of climate change, urban sprawl, and poor infrastructure. The city's water supply is rapidly dwindling, with key reservoirs at historically low levels and the possibility of 'Day Zero' looming. The situation is exacerbated by corruption, drought, and inadequate water management.

Recent Damage to River Outlet Works at Glen Canyon Dam

Recent damage to the river outlet works at Glen Canyon Dam has raised concerns about water management in the Colorado River basin, impacting 40 million people who rely on it.

Protests in Figuig, Morocco over Water Management Plan

Residents in Figuig, Morocco, are protesting a water management plan that could jeopardize their livelihoods. The plan aims to transition drinking water management to a regional agency, sparking concerns about privatization and affordability.

Colorado River Water Management Plans

Seven states managing the Colorado River are divided over new plans to account for climate change impacts on water sharing. Upper Basin states want reduced water releases due to climate change, while Lower Basin states propose a new framework for water distribution.