Protests in Figuig, Morocco over Water Management Plan

Residents in Figuig, Morocco, are protesting a water management plan that could jeopardize their livelihoods. The plan aims to transition drinking water management to a regional agency, sparking concerns about privatization and affordability.

Key Points

  • Residents in Figuig, Morocco, have been protesting a water management plan that could impact their livelihoods and community's future
  • The plan is part of Morocco's efforts to improve water infrastructure and conservation in the face of climate change and drought
  • Anxieties stem from fears of privatization and affordability issues despite assurances from authorities


  • Infrastructure development for water supply and irrigation
  • Streamlining water management processes
  • Conservation efforts amid climate change and groundwater depletion


  • Concerns about privatization of water management
  • Worries about access and affordability for residents
  • Limited private sector investment causing unrest