Health Benefits of Orgasms

Orgasms have numerous benefits beyond sexual pleasure, including releasing 'feel-good' hormones, providing natural pain relief, boosting the immune system, improving sleep quality, enhancing memory, reducing heart risks, strengthening pelvic floor muscles, potentially cutting the risk of prostate cancer, benefiting skin health, and boosting overall wellbeing and mood.

The Positive Impact of Watching Sports on Wellbeing

Watching sports, whether in person or on TV, can have a positive impact on wellbeing by increasing life satisfaction, feelings of life fulfillment, and reducing loneliness and depressive symptoms. Social identity theory and brain imaging research support the idea that the social aspects of watching sports contribute to these benefits.

Declining Happiness Among Younger People in the United States and Western European Countries

The World Happiness Report discusses the declining happiness among younger people in the United States and some western European countries, leading to a drop in their global wellbeing index ranking. Factors like social issues, social media, and economic inequality are cited as contributors to this trend.

Four-Day Work Week

Companies are continuing with the four-day work week after successful pilot trials, citing improved wellbeing, lower turnover, and greater efficiency.