Job Ghosting by Gen Z Workers

Gen Z workers are increasingly ghosting potential employers, with 93% flaking out of interviews and 87% leaving on the first day of work. This behavior is making hiring more difficult for businesses, with 75% of workers admitting to ignoring employers in the past year. The trend is driven by a desire to feel in charge of their careers, but older workers tend to regret ghosting more than younger workers.

Key Points

  • 93% of Gen Zers have ghosted out of job interviews
  • 87% of Gen Zers have left a job on the first day
  • 75% of workers have ignored a prospective employer in the past year
  • Ghosting is making hiring more challenging for businesses
  • Older workers tend to regret ghosting more than younger workers


  • Gives workers a sense of control over their careers
  • Forces businesses to reassess their hiring processes


  • Creates difficulties for employers in hiring and retaining talent
  • Can lead to negative impacts on future job opportunities for workers who ghost