Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) poor turnout and relevance

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) outside of Washington, DC had poor turnout this year, with many prominent Republicans missing. The event featured fringe right-wing media figures and has raised questions about its relevance. Journalists and attendees noted the sparse crowd and lack of energy compared to previous years.

Key Points

  • CPAC attendance has dwindled with only one sitting governor and a few members of Congress present
  • Event no longer includes a cross-section of the GOP
  • Speakers this year include fringe right-wing media figures like Steve Bannon, Mike Lindell, and conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec
  • Matt Schlapp, the chairman of American Conservative Union facing accusations of sexual assault


  • Poor turnout at CPAC raises questions about its relevance
  • Event features fringe right-wing media figures
  • Many prominent Republicans missing from the event