Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett Sides with Biden Administration

Supporters of former President Donald Trump are turning against U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett after she sided with the Biden administration in a dispute with Republican-led states over social media content moderation. This has led to criticism from Trump supporters on social media.

Iranian Presidential Election

Iran is holding a snap election to pick a new president following the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash. The election has four remaining candidates, including hard-line conservatives and one reformist. The supreme leader holds the most power in Iran, and observers don't expect significant change from this election.

Fractures in the Supreme Court

Fractures in the Supreme Court are becoming evident due to the justices' public statements and actions, raising concerns about the court's ability to function impartially and uphold the law.

Social Media Influencer's Transition from BLM Activist to Conservative Commentator

Social media influencer Amir Odom discusses his transition from BLM-marching activist to conservative commentator in an interview with Fox News Digital. Odom shares his journey of shifting beliefs and facing backlash for his changed outlook on various ideologies.

President Biden's Mental Acuity Controversy

Conservative tech expert expresses concerns about President Biden's mental acuity while White House dismisses videos as 'cheap fakes'.

Abortion Ban in Amarillo, Texas

Residents in Amarillo, Texas want to ban even the use of city roads by people seeking abortion elsewhere, despite abortion being illegal statewide. Laws like this are legally dubious and hard to enforce, but are becoming more common in conservative areas since the federal right to abortion was overturned in 2022.

2024 TPUSA Young Women's Leadership Summit Speakers

Charlie Kirk, Alex Clark, Lara Trump, and Megyn Kelly will speak at the 2024 TPUSA Young Women’s Leadership Summit in San Antonio, Texas organized by Breitbart.

Conservative Family's Return from Idaho to California

A conservative family from California moved to Idaho in 2021 but returned due to difficulties fitting in, citing judgmental attitudes and gossip. They highlighted challenges of living in a conservative state and the differences in crime rates between Idaho and California.

Turning Point USA’s Women’s Leadership Conference

Turning Point USA’s Women’s Leadership Conference, a big conservative event for women, will take place in San Antonio, Texas, featuring prominent speakers. The event aims to challenge fallacies of the radical left, particularly on modern feminism. It comes amidst a politically charged time in the U.S., with emphasis on issues like targeting Donald Trump, inflation, and illegal immigration. The event highlights the challenges faced by women in society and the shift towards liberalism among younger women.

Governor Greg Gianforte Primary Challenge

Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte is facing a primary challenge from the right, with his opponent criticizing him for not being conservative enough.

Republican Rep. Tony Gonzales wins primary runoff election in Texas

Republican Rep. Tony Gonzales of Texas wins primary runoff election against far-right challenger Brandon Herrera. Gonzales represents a majority Hispanic district in southwestern Texas and has a significant presence in the conservative ecosystem, often appearing on Fox News to discuss border issues.

Criticism of NFL Kicker Harrison Butker's Conservative Catholic-themed Commencement Address

America magazine and other media outlets criticize NFL kicker Harrison Butker for his conservative Catholic-themed commencement address at Benedictine College, citing concerns about gender roles, Covid-19 policies, liturgical preferences, and abortion being included in the same speech. The speech was seen as promoting backward-looking sectarianism by some critics.

Oregon County Votes to Secede and Join Idaho

13th county in Oregon passed a measure to secede and join Republican-governed state of Idaho. Movement seeks to shift Oregon-Idaho border 200 miles west to include 14 full and 3 partial eastern Oregon counties. Requires approval from both states and US Congress.

U.K. General Election Announcement

The U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced the country's next general election will be held in early July, as his Conservative party trails behind Labour in polls.

Dr. Rick Becker's Congressional Campaign

Dr. Rick Becker is a pro-liberty constitutional conservative running for North Dakota's at-large congressional seat. He is facing opposition from establishment figures and is endorsed by prominent America First conservatives.

West Virginia Gubernatorial Primary

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey makes final pitch to voters on gubernatorial primary day, positioning himself as the only true conservative candidate with a proven track record. He emphasizes his stance against the 'woke left' and the need to end the swamp in both D.C. and Charleston.

Barron Trump's Political Aspirations

Barron Trump, the youngest son of former President Donald Trump, has quietly grown into an engaging young man with political aspirations, according to insiders. He has been actively involved in conservative circles and has expressed interest in following in his father's footsteps. Barron, who recently turned 18, is gaining more independence and visibility, with his mother Melania ready to give him more space.

Barron Trump's Political Aspirations

Barron Trump, 18, has quietly blossomed into an engaging young man with political aspirations, supported by his mother Melania. He has expressed interest in following in his father's footsteps and has been schmoozing with high-profile conservative figures. Barron is described as tall, knowledgeable, and politically interested, with potential for a future in politics.

2024 Elections: Rep. Tony Gonzales' Primary Runoff Battle

Rep. Tony Gonzales is facing a tough primary runoff against a gun-rights YouTube star backed by conservative members of his party. If Gonzales loses, Republican leaders fear either losing the seat or further inflaming internal divisions. Despite support from some key figures like Gov. Greg Abbott and Speaker Mike Johnson, Gonzales is battling attacks from his own colleagues and struggling to maintain his moderate image in a district that has grown more conservative. The race is heating up with strong campaign efforts on both sides, and the outcome remains uncertain.

Primary Election Challenge in Florida's Fifth Congressional District

Republican Mara Macie challenges Rep. John Rutherford in Florida's Fifth Congressional District primary, accusing him of consistently voting against constituents' wishes. She emphasizes the importance of participating in the primary election to make a difference.

Republican Support for Viktor Orbán in Hungary

Republican politicians at a conference in Hungary showed support for Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and his authoritarian government, praising his conservative policies and crackdown on LGBTQ rights and immigration. American conservatives are increasingly looking to Hungary as a model for potential Trump-like governance.

Allegations of Democrats Criminalizing Being Conservative

Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow claims Democrats in control of the U.S. government are trying to criminalize being a conservative, citing examples of subpoenas against prominent conservatives like Leonard Leo and Peter Navarro.

European Parliament Campaign and Orbán's Criticism of Brussels

Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán declares that the globalist leadership in Brussels must go and does not deserve another chance. He emphasizes the need for change and criticizes Brussels for being pro-war, pushing for peace negotiations in Ukraine, and advocating against Europe entering long-term funding commitments for the war. Orbán's Fidesz party is projected to win in the upcoming European Parliament elections, aligning with populist-conservative forces.

Rob Schneider's Comedy Set at GOP Event

Sen. Cindy Hyde Smith walked out of a Rob Schneider comedy set at a GOP event that was deemed gross and vulgar. Schneider's set included off-color jokes that offended attendees, leading to the performance being cut short. Schneider, known for his edgy humor and criticism of liberal policies, has been embraced by conservative audiences.

Nikki Haley and Mike Pence's New Jobs After 2024 Presidential Bids

Nikki Haley and Mike Pence land new jobs after suspending their 2024 presidential bids, with Haley joining the Hudson Institute and Pence becoming a Distinguished Visiting Fellow for Faith & Public Life at Grove City College. Both did not endorse Trump when suspending their campaigns.

Subpoena refusal by conservative leader Leonard Leo

Conservative leader Leonard Leo is refusing to comply with a subpoena from the Democrat Senate Judiciary Committee, labeling it as unlawful and politically motivated. The subpoena is part of an effort by Democrats to target Leo due to his association with conservative Supreme Court justices and his opposition to certain legislation.

South Korea parliamentary election results

South Korea's liberal opposition parties are expected to win a landslide victory in the parliamentary election, potentially making conservative President Yoon Suk Yeol a lame duck for his remaining three years in office. The election serves as a mid-term confidence vote on President Yoon, who has been grappling with low approval ratings and a liberal opposition-controlled parliament.

British lawmakers targeted in sexting scam

British lawmakers targeted in sexting scam urged to go to police after senior Conservative admits disclosing personal phone numbers to unknown individual with compromising material. Scammers pretending to be trusted senders target specific groups in spear phishing attack.

Endorsement of Dominick Kavanaugh by Rep. Mary Miller in Congressional Race

Rep. Mary Miller endorses Dominick Kavanaugh in the race to replace retiring Rep. Larry Bucshon in Indiana’s Eighth Congressional District. Kavanaugh is a conservative leader who supports the America First Agenda and aims to secure borders and end the Biden Administration's woke agenda.

RePlatform Conference in Las Vegas

The RePlatform conference in Las Vegas brought together a mix of anti-vaccine activists, Trump supporters, and Christian conservatives to discuss building an 'uncancellable' future. The event faced financial issues with Stripe freezing their account, leading to alternative payment processor GabPay stepping in. The conference highlighted a community looking to create a 'freedom economy' separate from mainstream institutions.

Alleged Conservative Censorship by Corporate Cabal

House Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan is fighting alleged censorship by a corporate cabal colluding to demonetize conservative platforms and voices, including Breitbart News. The Judiciary Committee has sent letters to CEO's of GARM member companies requesting documents related to the alleged conservative censorship.

Utah State House Rep. Phil Lyman leads Gov. Spencer Cox in GOP gubernatorial nomination race

Utah State House Rep. Phil Lyman leads Gov. Spencer Cox in a hypothetical two-way matchup for the state's GOP gubernatorial nomination according to an internal poll. Lyman has strong support among very conservative delegates and those who favor Trump and Sen. Mike Lee. Cox has a checkered record on conservative issues and faces challenges from other candidates.

Republican Rally in Support of Ohio Senate Candidate Bernie Moreno

Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is joining former President Donald Trump at a rally in Dayton, Ohio, in support of Republican Ohio Senate candidate Bernie Moreno. The rally takes place ahead of the Ohio Republican Senate primary, where Moreno has been gaining endorsements and support from conservative figures.

Various News Headlines from FOX News Network

Special Counsel Robert Hur is expected to testify on Capitol Hill regarding President Biden's mishandling of classified records. Other topics include a potential Biden versus Trump rematch, Haiti's law and order collapse, Kate Middleton's photo edit scandal, and more.

Shift to Right in Silicon Valley

Elon Musk has shifted to the right politically, aligning with conservative causes and potentially supporting Donald Trump's bid to retake the White House. Other Silicon Valley figures, like Marc Andreessen, are also embracing conservative ideologies and causes.

Political Shift in Silicon Valley

Elon Musk has shifted politically to the right and is using his platform X to promote conservative themes. Other Silicon Valley figures are also moving towards conservative causes and away from traditional liberal positions.

PragerU and Its Influence on Education

PragerU, a conservative content creator, is making short videos for young audiences and has faced criticism for its tone and accuracy. It has been embraced by some state education officials and is funded by wealthy donors. Critics argue it presents a single ideological direction, while supporters see it as a counter to left-wing bias in education.

Alabama Republican Primary Race

Rep. Barry Moore emerged victorious over Rep. Jerry Carl in a contentious Alabama Republican primary race after redistricting due to a federal court ruling. Moore, a member of the House Freedom Caucus, won against Carl, who conceded after the election. The race turned heated with mudslinging and endorsements from high-profile conservatives. Moore is expected to win in November in the heavily Republican district.

North Carolina Governor Primary Results

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson won the state’s Republican primary for governor on Super Tuesday, setting up a face-off against North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein in the November election to replace Gov. Roy Asberry Cooper. Robinson's victory could give the Republican Party a trifecta in the state and advance conservative agendas such as pro-life efforts and anti-grooming measures. Robinson has been vocal against transgender propaganda in schools and endorsed former President Donald Trump's 2024 campaign.

Abortion and Religion in Politics

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough criticizes the far right for turning abortion into a religious issue, claiming they invented a religion to push their agenda.

Remembering Andrew Breitbart

A tribute to Andrew Breitbart, a conservative influencer who passed away 12 years ago, highlighting his impact on American leaders and his accurate predictions about the left's influence on America.

Conservative super PAC stops supporting Nikki Haley's presidential bid

Conservative super PAC backed by Koch donor network stops spending to support Nikki Haley's bid for Republican presidential nomination after her loss to Donald Trump in South Carolina primary.

Conservative Group Pulls Funding for Nikki Haley's Presidential Campaign

Conservative group AFP Action pulls funding for Nikki Haley's presidential campaign, despite her loss in South Carolina. Haley vows to continue fighting for the 70% of Americans who don't want a Trump-Biden rematch.

Reproductive Rights and Abortion Laws

California Governor Gavin Newsom launches TV ad accusing conservative officials of restricting women's travel for reproductive care, particularly targeting Tennessee's proposal to outlaw transporting minors for abortion.

Presence of Nazis at Conservative Political Action Conference

Nazis were welcomed at the Conservative Political Action Conference, openly discussing racist and antisemitic conspiracy theories. The conference has seen a shift towards a more extreme association with Donald Trump and his wing of the party.

CPAC 2024 Final Day Speakers

CPAC 2024's final day will feature speakers like Kari Lake, Vivek Ramaswamy, former President Donald Trump, and Argentinian President Javier Milei.

El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele at CPAC 2024

El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference urging people to fight against 'dark forces'. He highlights the need to arrest criminals and remove corrupt judges as he shares his country's experience with gangs and violence.

Conservative Christian Family Moves to Russia to Escape LGBT Ideology

A conservative Christian family from Canada moved to Russia to escape LGBT ideology but faced challenges when their bank accounts were frozen and they struggled with the language barrier. Despite initial difficulties, they decided to stay in Russia for the long haul.

Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) poor turnout and relevance

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) outside of Washington, DC had poor turnout this year, with many prominent Republicans missing. The event featured fringe right-wing media figures and has raised questions about its relevance. Journalists and attendees noted the sparse crowd and lack of energy compared to previous years.

Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Speakers

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) will feature various speakers including Breitbart Political Editor Matt Boyle, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL), Lara Trump, and El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele on Thursday, February 22, 2024.

Steve Bannon's Speech at CPAC Event

Steve Bannon declares at a Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) event that MAGA could rule the United States for 50 years, emphasizing the movement's importance and ambitions.

Charlie Kirk and his role in the MAGA movement

Charlie Kirk, a prominent figure in the MAGA movement, has faced criticism for his fiery rhetoric and controversial comments. Despite some backlash, he remains a key player in conservative youth activism and has the support of key figures within the movement.