Impact of Trump and Republicans on GOP and upcoming elections

The far-right stamp Trump has put on the GOP is causing concern among some Republicans and may complicate their efforts to appeal to swing voters in November. A conservative Alabama court's ruling on frozen embryos has led to the shutdown of fertility clinics in the state. CPAC featured calls for a Trump-led end to American democracy and a move toward a Christian state. Trump's reaction to the death of Russian dissident Navalny drew criticism. Democrats are blaming Republicans for restricting reproductive rights.

Key Points

  • Alabama Supreme Court's ruling on frozen embryos leading to shutdown of fertility clinics
  • CPAC featuring calls for a Trump-led end to American democracy and a move toward a Christian state
  • Trump's controversial reaction to the death of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny


  • Highlighting potential issues within the GOP that could impact the upcoming elections
  • Drawing attention to the far-right influence within the party


  • Causing concern among some Republicans about the party's direction
  • Complicating efforts to appeal to swing voters