Russian police crackdown on Navalny memorial events

Russian police crackdown on dissidents honoring the memory of Alexei Navalny, opposition leader who died in prison. Party raided, man beaten for anti-Putin sign, women detained at cemetery. Navalny's widow attends memorial in Berlin. Demonstrations held in Hague and Warsaw in Navalny's memory.

Arrest of Russian Journalists

Three Russian journalists were arrested and detained in Russia for charges related to 'extremism' and spreading misinformation. The crackdown on media continues in the country amidst the invasion of Ukraine.

Death of Alexei Navalny

U.S. intelligence officials believe Putin likely didn't order the death of Navalny, though they think he was ultimately responsible. Biden had previously stated that Putin was responsible but did not directly accuse him of ordering Navalny's death. Navalny, a prominent opposition figure in Russia, died in a remote penal colony while serving a 19-year sentence.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's involvement in the death of Alexei Navalny

U.S. intelligence agencies believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin did not directly order the killing of Alexei Navalny at a remote penal colony, but the circumstances of Navalny's death remain unclear. Putin is still seen as ultimately responsible for Navalny's fate. Navalny, a prominent Russian opposition leader, died in prison at the age of 47 after being poisoned in 2020 with a military nerve agent, Novichok.

Anti-Kremlin Hackers Seek Revenge for Navalny's Death

Anti-Kremlin hackers breached a Russian prison contractor's website in revenge for Alexey Navalny's death, stealing a database with information on Russian prisoners and their relatives. They changed prices on the online commissary and shared the data in hopes of uncovering the truth about Navalny's death.

Charges Against Russian Journalist for Involvement with Navalny's Foundation

Russian journalist Antonina Favorskaya was charged with participating in the activities of Alexei Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation, labeled as extremist in 2021. She faces up to six years in prison. Favorskaya recorded Navalny's last video before his sudden death in prison.

Political Prisoners in Russia

The wife of jailed Russian dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza expressed concern for the lives of political prisoners in Russia following Alexei Navalny's death in a penal colony. Kara-Murza, who was sentenced to 25 years on treason charges, is among those at risk. Other activists, including Alexandra Skochilenko and Alexei Gorinov, are also in danger.

Death of Nationalist Opposition Leader and President Putin's Response

President Putin reacts to the death of nationalist opposition leader with a caustic comment, sparking condemnation. He claims to have agreed to a prisoner swap for the critic but says it fell through. Navalny's supporters believe he was assassinated.

Russian President Putin's Comments on Navalny's Death and Prisoner Swap

Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed with the idea of a prisoner swap involving opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who died in a penal colony, and 'some people in prison in Western countries.' Putin's comments came after allegations that Navalny's death was to thwart an imminent prisoner swap. Putin's victory in the elections extends his rule for six more years.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's Reelection

Russian President Vladimir Putin wins a landslide reelection victory with 87% of the vote in an election criticized as neither free nor fair by government critics and the West. The election saw a record 77% voter turnout. Putin's opponents barely campaigned, antiwar candidates were banned, and there were concerns of vote rigging. Dissent was visible with election-related protests, including dumping dye into ballot boxes and setting fire to voting booths. The death of Putin's critic Alexey Navalny stirred resistance, with symbolic protests held at polling stations.

Russian Presidential Election Protests

Russians protest against President Vladimir Putin in a heavily controlled presidential election, with limited real alternatives, following a crackdown on dissent and opposition. Putin expected to extend his rule amidst accusations of election irregularities and limited independent monitoring.

Funeral of Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny

Thousands turned out to mourn Alexei Navalny, a Russian opposition leader who challenged President Putin. The funeral was heavily secured as attendees chanted anti-Putin slogans. Navalny's death and the crackdown on dissent reveal Putin's fear of opposition. The funeral was also marked by geopolitical tension and a nod to Navalny's opposition to Russia's war in Ukraine.

Funeral of Alexei Navalny

The funeral of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is met with challenges and risks as mourners gather to pay their respects amidst threats and police presence, highlighting the ongoing struggle between the marginalized protest movement and President Vladimir Putin's regime.

Navalny assassination conspiracy

Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny was allegedly killed on President Vladimir Putin's orders to prevent a prisoner exchange that would have seen him released in return for an FSB assassin jailed in Germany, according to Navalny allies.

Impact of Trump and Republicans on GOP and upcoming elections

The far-right stamp Trump has put on the GOP is causing concern among some Republicans and may complicate their efforts to appeal to swing voters in November. A conservative Alabama court's ruling on frozen embryos has led to the shutdown of fertility clinics in the state. CPAC featured calls for a Trump-led end to American democracy and a move toward a Christian state. Trump's reaction to the death of Russian dissident Navalny drew criticism. Democrats are blaming Republicans for restricting reproductive rights.

U.S. Sanctions on Russia in Response to the War and Navalny's Death

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer responded to questions about how the U.S. will prevent Russia from evading sanctions by stating that more sanctions can be passed and that the current ones are a big step forward. He emphasized the importance of showing Putin that he will face economic, political, and military consequences for his actions.

Squeezing Russia on Oil Supplies and LNG Ports

Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta suggests squeezing Russia on oil supplies and opening up LNG ports to deliver more natural gas to Europe in order to put pressure on Russia to comply with sanctions and address the situation with Alexei Navalny.

Sanctions on Russia by President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden announced over 500 new sanctions on Russia and its war machine following the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny in a Siberian prison. The sanctions aim to further punish Russian President Vladimir Putin and come one day before the second anniversary of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Russia's war in Ukraine enters a third year with President Vladimir Putin's forces capturing the city of Avdiivka. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy faces challenges with troop ammunition and political infighting. Key events include Avdiivka falling, Navalny's death, and EU approving Ukraine funding. Zelenskiy changes military leadership amid a deepening rift. International support and tensions continue as the conflict remains ongoing.

Navalny Family Troubles in Russia

Alexei Navalny's brother, Oleg Navalny, is wanted in Russia under the Criminal Code just days after Alexei's death in a Russian prison. Alexei's wife accuses Putin of poisoning him and hiding the body. Navalny was a vocal critic of the Kremlin known for exposing corruption in Russian politics.

Accusations of Torture and Murder in Russian Prison

A prison official accused of torturing Alexei Navalny in Polar Wolf jail has been promoted by Vladimir Putin just three days after Navalny's death. Navalny's shrinking food portions and harsh treatment were ordered by the official, who is now a Colonel General. Human rights groups allege he was responsible for implementing torture measures against Navalny and other prisoners. Navalny's family and supporters accuse Putin of murder and demand justice.

Liz Cheney's Warning About the 'Putin Wing' of the Republican Party

Former Rep. Liz Cheney warns of a 'Putin wing' of the Republican party and stresses the importance of preventing its return to the White House. She criticizes Trump's comments on NATO and silence on Navalny's death.

Blaming Putin for Navalny's Death

Daniel Roher, director of the 'Navalny' documentary, blames Russian President Vladimir Putin for the death of Alexei Navalny, citing the blatant nature of the murder and Putin's responsibility for the opposition leader's demise.

Comparison of Navalny's Death and Trump's Legal Problems

Former President Trump compared the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny to his legal problems, expressing concern about the state of the country. He criticized politicians, prosecutors, and judges, and lamented America's supposed decline.

Former President Trump's comments on the death of Alexei Navalny

Former President Trump breaks silence on the death of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny, comparing it to his own legal troubles. Nikki Haley criticizes Trump for not denouncing Putin and praises Navalny's courage. Most Western officials accuse Putin of being responsible for Navalny's death.

Alexey Navalny's letters and concerns about Donald Trump

Alexey Navalny, a Russian dissident and political nemesis of President Vladimir Putin, expressed concern over former President Donald Trump's agenda and potential return to power in letters before his death. Despite his imprisonment, Navalny managed to stay connected to the outside world and shared his thoughts with friends and journalists.