U.S. Sanctions on Russia in Response to the War and Navalny's Death

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer responded to questions about how the U.S. will prevent Russia from evading sanctions by stating that more sanctions can be passed and that the current ones are a big step forward. He emphasized the importance of showing Putin that he will face economic, political, and military consequences for his actions.

Key Points

  • Senate Majority Leader Schumer emphasizes the importance of passing more sanctions against Russia.
  • The U.S. is focused on preventing Russia from evading current sanctions and closing loopholes.
  • Showing Putin the consequences of his actions is crucial, including economic, political, and military repercussions.


  • Increasing sanctions can further isolate Putin and send a strong message to Russia.
  • Learning how Russians evade sanctions allows for better enforcement in the future.


  • Escalating sanctions could lead to retaliatory actions from Russia.