Funeral of Alexei Navalny

The funeral of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is met with challenges and risks as mourners gather to pay their respects amidst threats and police presence, highlighting the ongoing struggle between the marginalized protest movement and President Vladimir Putin's regime.

Key Points

  • Over 1,000 people gather outside the church for the funeral, defying warnings from the Kremlin.
  • Navalny's body faces delays in being released, leading to challenges in organizing the funeral.
  • Mourners face risks and possible arrests for attending the funeral, showing defiance against Putin's regime.


  • More than 1,000 people gather to pay their respects to Navalny despite risks and threats.
  • Mourners defy Kremlin warnings and police presence to attend the funeral, showing solidarity with the opposition leader.


  • Navalny's widow and others face threats of arrest for attending the funeral due to government crackdown on dissent.
  • Challenges in finding a hearse and delays in releasing Navalny's body cause additional stress and difficulties for the family and organizers.