Russian police crackdown on Navalny memorial events

Russian police crackdown on dissidents honoring the memory of Alexei Navalny, opposition leader who died in prison. Party raided, man beaten for anti-Putin sign, women detained at cemetery. Navalny's widow attends memorial in Berlin. Demonstrations held in Hague and Warsaw in Navalny's memory.

Key Points

  • Russian police crackdown on memorial events honoring Alexei Navalny
  • Dissidents detained, beaten, and harassed for expressing dissent
  • Navalny's widow attends memorial in Berlin, demonstrations held worldwide in his memory


  • Drawing attention to human rights abuses in Russia
  • Honoring the memory of a fallen opposition leader


  • Police brutality and suppression of freedom of expression
  • Detention of individuals paying respects to Navalny