China's Influence on America and the Blind Eye Turned by American Leaders

Peter Schweizer discusses how China is behind many issues plaguing the U.S., including violent protests and the drug trade, in his book 'Blood Money.' He calls out American leaders for turning a blind eye to China's actions. The book has become a bestseller and sheds light on China's covert activities in America.

Key Points

  • China's hand in fueling social chaos and unrest in the U.S.
  • Involvement of Chinese billionaires in funding the transgender movement
  • Link between China and the surge in fentanyl-related deaths
  • American leaders' reluctance to confront China due to personal ties and interests
  • Role of figures like Gavin Newsom, Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Bernie Sanders in advancing China's interests in the U.S.


  • Sheds light on China's involvement in various issues in the U.S.
  • Raises awareness about the need to address China's covert activities
  • Provides insight into the connections between American leaders and Chinese organized crime


  • May be seen as overly sensationalized or conspiratorial by some readers
  • Could potentially be controversial due to the political implications