Tensions in Israeli-occupied Golan Heights near Lebanon

SOURCE news.yahoo.com
Fears are growing in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights near Lebanon that cross-border clashes could escalate into a bigger conflict, potentially involving Hezbollah. Israeli Defense Minister warns a Gaza truce won't stop military operations in the north. Experts say Hezbollah has a formidable arsenal of rockets. Both sides have suffered casualties, and tensions remain high.

Key Points

  • Israeli Defense Minister warns a Gaza truce won't stop military operations in the north
  • Experts highlight Hezbollah's formidable arsenal of rockets and battle-hardened fighters
  • Tensions remain high with daily fire exchanges


  • Israeli Defense Minister's warnings can potentially prevent further escalation
  • Increased awareness of the delicate situation could lead to diplomatic solutions


  • High risk of a bigger conflict involving Hezbollah
  • Casualties on both sides have already occurred