Iran's Support for Hezbollah Against Israel

Iran vows to support Hezbollah against Israel if conflict breaks out in Lebanon, risking regional war involving all Arab nations. Recent strike by Iran on Israel signals increased involvement in conflict.

Israeli sovereignty in the northern region compromised by Hezbollah

Israel has lost effective sovereignty in the northern part of the country due to constant Hezbollah projectile fire, leading to the evacuation of tens of thousands of Israelis. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken acknowledges the situation and discusses potential war scenarios.

Israeli Military Strategy in Gaza

Israel signals a shift in tactics in its ongoing war in Gaza, aiming to free up resources for the conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon. The new phase involves less intense fighting and surgical operations targeting specific Hamas operatives and installations, conceding that the original goals of defeating Hamas and freeing Israeli hostages may not be achievable simultaneously.

Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon

The Pentagon is moving U.S. military assets closer to Israel and Lebanon to evacuate Americans as tensions rise between Israel and Hezbollah. Israel plans airstrikes and a possible ground offensive in Lebanon. U.S. officials are concerned about a potential escalation but hope for a diplomatic solution. The U.S. is coordinating with allies for evacuations and military operations.

Escalating Tensions Between Israel and Hezbollah

The Pentagon is moving U.S. military assets closer to Israel and Lebanon to be ready to evacuate Americans as tensions escalate between Israel and Hezbollah. Israeli officials are considering airstrikes and a possible ground offensive in Lebanon. The U.S. and its allies are coordinating evacuations and military operations. Iran and Hezbollah prefer the current situation to avoid an all-out war. The U.S. Embassy in Beirut warned Americans to reconsider travel to Lebanon. Canada is also preparing contingency plans to evacuate Canadians from Lebanon.

Israel-Lebanon Tensions

Israel's prime minister and president tour northern border amid escalating tensions with Hezbollah forces in Lebanon. The U.S. urges a diplomatic solution to avoid war.

Israel's Iron Dome and the Threat from Hezbollah

The conflict between Israel and groups in the Middle East has escalated, with Hezbollah posing a significant threat to Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system. Hezbollah's arsenal of precision-guided weapons and tactics like using anti-tank missiles and drones challenge the effectiveness of Iron Dome, which has been crucial in protecting Israeli cities. The system's limitations may be exposed in a potential war with Hezbollah.

International Relations, Media Diversity, Annexation, Hezbollah, AI Integration

Russia blocks access to 81 EU media outlets in retaliation for EU broadcasting bans on Russian state media. UK news presenter Tom Bradby discusses lack of diversity in industry. Israel's far-right minister Bezalel Smotrich declares intention to annex West Bank. Lebanon's minister Ali Hamieh threatens to sue The Telegraph over claims of Hezbollah smuggling weapons. Apple in talks with Meta and other AI companies to enhance its AI offerings.

Israel's Offensive in Gaza and Tensions with Lebanon

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signals the end of the 'intensive' phase of the offensive in Gaza, but indicates a partial cease-fire, leading to concerns about escalation with Hezbollah. The conflict is also linked to tensions in Israel's northern border with Lebanon.

Hezbollah's Strategy to Infiltrate Western Societies

Hezbollah MP Mohammad Raad advocates for infiltrating Western societies through investing in Western university students protesting against Israel to increase support for Palestinians. Israel continues efforts to dismantle Hamas in Gaza. Hezbollah, designated as a terrorist organization by many countries, poses security concerns to Israel and has contentious relations with the United States. Pro-Palestinian protests on U.S. campuses are organized and funded by Qatari groups promoting Islamist ideology.

Violence outside Los Angeles synagogue and tensions between Israel and Hezbollah

Violence erupts outside a Los Angeles synagogue as anti-Israel agitators clash with supporters of Israel. Tensions rise between Israel and Hezbollah, sparking concerns of a wider regional war.

Iran-backed Fighters Ready to Join Hezbollah in Lebanon for Possible War with Israel

Iran-backed fighters from the Middle East are prepared to join Hezbollah in Lebanon in the event of a war with Israel, potentially escalating the conflict. Both sides are prepared for a possible all-out war, with thousands of fighters from various countries offering support to Hezbollah.

Conflict between Israel, Hezbollah, and Palestinian Groups in the Middle East

Hezbollah leader Nasrallah warns Israel of a powerful enemy amid escalating conflict along the Lebanese-Israeli border. Recent threats from both sides are part of psychological warfare to avoid escalation. Nasrallah warns of targeting not only Israel but also Cyprus and the Mediterranean Sea.

Threat of Hezbollah to Israel and IDF Offensive Plans in Lebanon

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discusses U.S. actions to mitigate the threat Hezbollah poses to Israel, as the Israel Defense Forces approve plans for an offensive in Lebanon against the terrorist group.

U.S. Denies Withholding Weapons from Israel Amid Accusations by Netanyahu

The Biden administration rejects Benjamin Netanyahu's accusation of withholding weapons from Israel. The U.S. denies knowledge of any such actions, maintaining that only one shipment of heavy bombs was paused, while billions of dollars of arms continued to flow into Israel. The Israeli military's ongoing assault on Gaza is under scrutiny for potential violations of the laws of war. Tensions are also rising along Israel's border with Lebanon, with threats of a potential offensive against Hezbollah. Discussions between the U.S. and Israel continue regarding weapon transfers.

Israel-Palestine Conflict and Hezbollah Attacks

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians, as well as other groups in the Middle East, has a long history of violence and tension. Recent attacks by Hezbollah from Lebanon have led to evacuations and damage in Israeli towns like Kiryat Shmona and Nahariya, causing fear and disruption among residents.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dissolves war Cabinet

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dissolved the war Cabinet after key rivals quit, forming a smaller 'kitchen cabinet' for sensitive consultations. The move was influenced by domestic politics and tensions with international partners. Recent polling shows Netanyahu's Likud party gaining ground. The conflict with Hamas has resulted in casualties and displacement, while heightened aggression from Hezbollah poses a threat to Lebanon and the region.

IDF Soldiers Using Trebuchet at Lebanese Border

IDF soldiers were seen firing a trebuchet at the Lebanese border to clear foliage, sparking plantations across the border. This Middle Age technology was used due to the challenging terrain. Recent tensions in northern Israel have escalated with Hezbollah involvement.

Rocket Launches in Northern Israel and Assassination of Hezbollah Official

Approximately 250 rockets were launched towards northern Israel following the assassination of senior Hezbollah official Sami Taleb Abdullah. The IDF successfully eliminated Abdullah, leading to concerns and potential retaliation from Hezbollah. However, Hezbollah is likely to avoid attacking civilian targets to prevent a full-scale war.

Hezbollah Rocket Attacks on Israel

Hezbollah launched a series of rocket and drone attacks on northern Israel in retaliation for the death of a senior terror commander. Israel has not reported any injuries. The attacks have forced nearly 100,000 Israelis to evacuate their homes. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has threatened full-scale war if the attacks escalate.

Hezbollah rocket attack on Israel in retaliation for commander's killing

Hezbollah launches rocket barrage at Israel in retaliation for top commander's killing, escalating tensions along Israel-Lebanon border. Secretary of State Blinken deems some of Hamas' ceasefire demands in Gaza as unworkable.

Conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon

Israel has been engaged in a lower-level conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon, which has led to daily violence and displacement of people on both sides of the border. The conflict is governed by unique 'rules of the game' that have restrained it for almost three decades, preventing an all-out war.

Tensions on Israel's Northern Border with Hezbollah

Fears of a second full-on war igniting on Israel's northern border as Hezbollah, backed by Iran, trades fire with Israeli forces across the Israel-Lebanon border since October. Security heightened at checkpoints, rockets coming from Iran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Cross-border tensions between Israel and Hezbollah

Cross-border fire between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon has escalated during the 8-month Gaza war, raising fears of a full-scale conflict.

Conflict between IDF and Hezbollah in Lebanon

IDF eliminates senior Hezbollah commander in Lebanon, prompting Hezbollah to launch rockets at Israel's northern border. Israel responds by striking Hezbollah command and control centers. No injuries reported in the attacks.

Hezbollah Rocket Attacks on Israel

Hezbollah, backed by Iran, launched rockets at Israel in response to an IDF strike on a senior Hezbollah commander. The attacks coincided with the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. The IDF eliminated the commander and three other Hezbollah operatives. U.S. Secretary of State Blinken mentioned a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas could help calm tensions.

Efforts to secure a cease-fire between Hamas and Israel amidst escalating tensions in the Middle East

The United States is trying to secure a cease-fire between Hamas and Israel, but Hamas's demands are hindering the process. Hezbollah retaliated with a missile barrage after Israel killed one of its commanders, leading to fears of wider escalation. The U.N. accused both sides of war crimes and violations of international law.

Escalating Conflict Between Israel and Lebanon

The low-level war between Israel and Lebanon is escalating, with fears of a major conflagration. Israelis are anxious for the military to take action, with many believing a war with Hezbollah is necessary to alleviate tensions. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in the region attempting to bring an end to the conflict in Gaza.

Israel's Covert Strikes in Syria and Potential War with Hezbollah

Israel intensifies covert strikes in Syria against weapons sites and Iranian-linked commanders, rescues hostages, and prepares for potential war with Hezbollah in Lebanon.

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken's Visit to the Middle East

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visits Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Qatar to increase pressure on Hamas and Israel to reach a ceasefire in Gaza. Four hostages, including Noa Argamani, were rescued in a recovery operation. The conflict between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah is dangerously poised.

Political Tension in Israel and the Middle East

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is arriving in Israel and the Middle East amidst political tension between Benny Gantz and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Biden administration is suspected of backing a 'color revolution' to oust Netanyahu. Blinken is pushing for a U.S. proposal for a hostage deal with Hamas, despite Israel's skepticism.

Military Operations in Lebanon and Gaza

IDF conducts targeted operations in Lebanon and Rafah, taking out Hezbollah and Hamas targets, respectively. Israeli strike on a UN school in Gaza kills Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists. Biden criticized for handling of war with Hamas.

Tensions in the Middle East: Gunman Attack at U.S. Embassy in Beirut

A gunman opened fire at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, as tensions rise between U.S. ally Israel and Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah. President Biden criticized Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for prolonging the war in Gaza. Hezbollah continues to threaten Israel, and the situation remains volatile with the potential for a wider conflict.

Forest Fire in Northern Israel

Forest in northern Israel set on fire by rockets fired by Hezbollah in Lebanon

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's Message to American University Students

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praises American university students protesting Israel, welcomes them to the terrorist Resistance Front, encourages them to become familiar with the Quran. Critics highlight Khamenei's history of human rights abuses and radical policies.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's Support for American Students' Anti-Israel Protests

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praised American students for their anti-Israel, pro-Hamas protests, calling them part of the 'Resistance Front' against Zionists. He also encouraged them to read the Quran. Khamenei's regime has a history of repressing student uprisings in Iran.

Hamas Leader Attends Funeral of Iranian President Raisi

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh attended the mass funeral in Tehran for Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi and other officials killed in a helicopter crash. Photos show Haniyeh meeting with Iran's supreme leader. Other Iranian-backed terror groups like Hezbollah were also present.

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) operations in Gaza and Lebanon

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) continued to attack Hamas terrorists in Rafah and throughout Gaza on Israel's independence day despite international criticism. IDF troops eliminated armed terrorist cells and engaged in battles, targeting and eliminating multiple terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip. Unconfirmed reports surfaced of IDF soldiers enjoying fireworks in Rafah. Additionally, the IDF struck Hezbollah targets in Lebanon using bunker-busting bombs.

Israel's Military Capability and U.S. Support

Rep. Adam Smith discusses Israel's ability to launch a major offensive in Rafah without new American weapons but questions its capability to deter various entities like Iran, Hezbollah, and the Houthis without U.S. support.

Memorial Day in Israel

Israel marked Memorial Day with ceremonies honoring fallen soldiers since independence in 1948. The day was particularly poignant as the country mourned soldiers lost in recent battles and prayed for the rescue of hostages held by Hamas. Officials paid tribute to the sacrifices of soldiers, including Arab Israelis. Memorial Day is followed by Israeli Independence Day.

Israel-Hezbollah Conflict in South Lebanon

Israel carried out heavy airstrikes in south Lebanon, resulting in the deaths of three people. Hezbollah retaliated by launching explosive drones and powerful rockets at Israeli targets. The conflict has been ongoing for seven months, escalating tensions between the two heavily armed adversaries.

Diplomatic Efforts to Deescalate Conflict on Lebanon-Israel Border

French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné visits Lebanon to deescalate conflict on Lebanon-Israel border. Diplomatic efforts aim to broker a cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah. Western diplomats propose Hezbollah move forces from the border, beefed-up Lebanese army presence, and Israeli withdrawal from disputed points. Hezbollah links deal in Lebanon to Gaza cease-fire.

Israel at War - Day 196

Left-wing activists protest in front of the US embassy in Tel Aviv, demanding an end to the war in Gaza. Israel faces international opposition over potential military actions. Reports of Israeli strikes on Iran prompt international airlines to cancel flights. Biden administration considers over $1 billion in new weapons deals for Israel. Families of hostages in Gaza gather for a human train protest along Israel's coast.

Controversy Surrounding Seyed Hossein Mousavian

The article discusses the controversy surrounding former Iranian official Seyed Hossein Mousavian, who is accused of endorsing Hezbollah and Hamas and supporting an Iranian fatwa calling for the assassination of British-American author Salman Rushdie. The article also mentions the investigation by the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce into Mousavian's ties to Iran.

Explosions in Iran and Potential Regional Destabilization

Explosions in Iran could lead to widespread destabilization in the region, potentially drawing in other countries like Lebanon, Syria, and the United States. Proxy groups like Hezbollah may get involved, increasing the risk of a large-scale conflict.

Hezbollah's Conflict with Israel

Hezbollah is determined not to escalate the conflict with Israel but will respond to any Israeli escalation. The conflict started with Hamas' attack on Israel, and Hezbollah has been responding to Israeli actions. Iran supports Hezbollah and has backed them in their recent attacks on Israel. Despite tensions, both sides are currently abiding by rules of engagement.

Hezbollah's Warning to Israel

Hezbollah's Deputy Secretary-General warns Israel of a high price if they retaliate against Iran's aerial attacks.

Middle East Conflict

Mourners bury victims of Israeli strike in Gaza. Iran warns of harsh response to any invasion by Israel. UN Security Council to vote on Palestinian state membership. Hezbollah attacks Israel, injuring soldiers. Italy willing to contribute troops for UN peacekeeping in Gaza. Germany expresses solidarity with Israel and vows consequences for Iran. Arrow 3 missile defense system successfully intercepts Iranian attack. Human Rights Watch reports Israeli forces involved in settler attacks against Palestinians. UN appeals for $2.8 billion to aid 3 million Palestinians in Gaza.

IDF preparations to counter-strike Iran and proxies

The IDF is preparing to counter-strike Iran and its proxies, with various options being considered. Israel's leadership is determined to strike back but seeks to avoid a regional war. Defense Minister Gallant stated that Israel will not be deterred by Iran's failed attack. Hezbollah continues to pose threats, with Israel responding with air strikes and artillery fire. Israel is also conducting drills to test its cyber and technology units in the face of potential threats.

Islamic terrorists hurting fellow Arabs and Muslims in northern Israel

Islamic terrorists hurt seven residents of Bedouin Arab town in northern Israel with a Hezbollah drone attack. The attack resulted in casualties and was claimed by Hezbollah. IDF retaliated against Hezbollah positions.

Iranian Attack on Israel and Regional Tensions

Iranian attack on Israel involved Iran's proxies Hezbollah and the Yemenite Houthis. Israel and Hezbollah are currently in a period of relative quiet after recent attacks. There are concerns about potential escalation and the possibility of reaching a new agreement.

Israeli Refugees After Hezbollah Attacks

Tens of thousands of Israelis are refugees in their own country due to attacks by Hezbollah, leading to evacuations of northern communities. Israel has responded with airstrikes and ground operations, focusing on destroying Hamas in Gaza and countering Iranian attacks. Border communities like Rosh Hanikra and Shlomi are empty and damaged, with only farmers allowed in to tend their crops. Israeli commandos are on watch to prevent Hezbollah infiltrations.

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Operation in Southern Lebanon

IDF commandos are operating in southern Lebanon to remove Hezbollah positions near the border. Four IDF troops were wounded in an operation near the Lebanese border. Hezbollah took responsibility for the explosion on the border.

Criticism of President Biden's Iran Policy

Fox News host Sean Hannity criticizes President Biden for appeasing Iran and radical groups, leading to instability in the Middle East.

Israeli Soldiers Wounded in Lebanon Explosion

An explosion wounded four Israeli soldiers within Lebanon in a suspected Israeli ground incursion against Hezbollah. Hezbollah claimed responsibility for setting off a landmine, while Israeli media suggested old ordnance may have been to blame.

Terrorist Groups Praising Iran's Attack on Israel

Hezbollah, Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad praised Iran for attacking Israel. Iran claimed major damage on Israeli military targets despite Israeli reports. Israel intercepted most drones and missiles, with one known casualty. Terrorist groups hailed the attack as a natural response to Israeli actions. Iran's attack was in retaliation for a strike on IRGC officers in Damascus. Pro-Palestinian groups condemned countries supporting Israel.

Escalating Tensions Between Israel and Iran

A cyber attack allegedly hit Israeli websites, prompting residents to prepare for war against Iran. Power outages were reported in Israeli cities. Tensions have escalated with Hezbollah launching rockets from Lebanon and Iran threatening retaliation for an airstrike on the Iranian Consulate in Syria.

Conflict between Israel and Iran in the Middle East

Commandos from Iran's Revolutionary Guard seized an Israeli-affiliated container ship near the Strait of Hormuz, escalating tensions in the Middle East. The conflict involves Iran, Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthi rebels, posing a risk of wider regional war. The attack is linked to a suspected Israeli strike in Syria, and Iran's actions have drawn international condemnation.

Tensions between Israel, Hezbollah, and Iran

Israel's Iron Dome is reportedly overwhelmed by Hezbollah rockets, with tensions escalating between Israel and Iran. US officials are prepared to intercept weapons launched at Israel. President Biden has warned Iran against attacking Israel, expressing full support for Israel's defense.

1994 Buenos Aires Jewish Community Center bombing

Argentina's highest criminal court concluded that Iran and Hezbollah were responsible for the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, which killed 85 people. The court ruled that the attack was in retaliation for Argentina reneging on a nuclear cooperation deal with Iran.

Lebanese man found dead after being sanctioned by U.S. for ties with Hamas and Hezbollah

A Lebanese man sanctioned by the U.S. for his alleged links with Hamas and Hezbollah was found dead after going missing. He was accused of transferring funds to Hamas' military wing, the Qassam Brigades, currently at war with Israel's military in Gaza.

Hezbollah's Warning to Israel and US Involvement in Gaza Conflict

Hezbollah's leader Hassan Nasrallah warns Israel after Iranian consulate attack and killing of Revolutionary Guard generals. Tensions escalate with threats of retaliation against Israel. US warns Israel over Gaza war tactics and humanitarian aid.

Secret Strategy Sessions Among Iran-backed Militia Groups and Terrorist Organizations

Iran-backed militia groups in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon have been holding secret strategy sessions with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Lebanon's Hezbollah underground lairs. High-ranking Iranian Revolutionary Guard officers have been present. Tensions have escalated after the killing of an IRGC officer in an airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, with threats of revenge against Israel. Hezbollah chief has declared support for Iran's right to punish Israel.

Israel-Hamas Conflict and Middle East Tensions

Fox News reports on the Israel-Hamas conflict and growing tensions in the Middle East, including statements from Hezbollah's chief and the response from the U.S. administration.

Israeli IDF halts leave for combat units after airstrike kills Iranian general

The IDF halts leave for combat units after an Israeli airstrike killed an Iranian general in Damascus, leading to threats of retaliation. Tensions are high as Iran vows to make Israel pay a 'heavy price.' Air-raid sirens sound in the North and near the Gaza Strip, with IDF attacking Hezbollah launch posts in Lebanon.

Discussion on providing weapons to Israel for deterring Iran and Hezbollah

Rep. Adam Smith believes Israel needs weapons to deter Iran and Hezbollah to prevent the spread of conflict in the Middle East but suggests negotiating conditions for aid to Israel.

Critique of Media Coverage on Hamas and Ceasefire in Gaza

Rep. Adam Smith criticizes media for not pointing out that Hamas is the biggest block to a ceasefire and calls for more pressure on Hamas, emphasizing the need for a ceasefire to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and supporting Israel's right to defend itself against threats from Hamas, Iran, and Hezbollah.

Israeli Airstrike Killing Iranian Military Commander in Syria

Senior Iranian military commander reportedly killed in Israeli airstrike in Syria, had key role in supporting Hezbollah, U.S. says.

Assassination of Mohammed Reza Zahedi in Damascus

Mohammed Reza Zahedi, a top commander in the Quds Force of the IRGC, was assassinated in an airstrike in Damascus. The attack targeted a building used as a military command center for the IRGC. Iran and Hezbollah are accusing Israel of escalating the war against Iran's regional proxies.

Israeli airstrike in Damascus

Israeli airstrike in Damascus kills senior commander in Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps and several Iranian diplomats, tension rises between Israel and Iran-backed Hezbollah

Mexican government calls for return of looted artifact, Israeli airstrikes in Syria, and Israeli Supreme Court ruling on military service

The Mexican government is calling for a Colorado art gallery and auction house to return a pre-Columbian artifact believed to be looted. Israeli airstrikes in Syria killed dozens, including Hezbollah members. An Israeli Supreme Court ruling freezes funding to ultra-Orthodox seminaries unless students serve in the military, causing political turmoil.

Political Divisions in Lebanon Over Hezbollah's Role in Clashes with Israel

Lebanon's political divisions over Hezbollah's involvement in clashes with Israel have been highlighted by a nun's praise of the Shiite militant group, sparking controversy and debate in the country.

Israeli Airstrikes near Aleppo and International Court of Justice Order to Ensure Food Supplies to Gaza

Israeli airstrikes near Aleppo killed 42 people, most of them Syrian troops, and caused significant damage. The strikes hit missile depots for Hezbollah. International Court of Justice ordered Israel to ensure basic food supplies reach the Palestinian population in Gaza without delay.

Tensions between Hezbollah and Israel

Hezbollah fires rockets at Israeli towns in retaliation for Israeli airstrikes, tensions escalate along the Israel-Lebanon border. US working to halt the fighting through diplomatic efforts.

Hezbollah and Israel Conflict

Hezbollah, supported by Iran, has been exchanging missile fire with Israel after the Hamas-led attack on Israel in October 2023, raising fears of a regional conflict involving the U.S. and Iran's allies like Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthi rebels of Yemen.

Hezbollah Rocket Attack on Northern Israel

Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed Shia terror group, fired rockets into northern Israel, killing a 23-year-old Druze Arab named Zaher Bashara who worked at a factory. Israel is fighting wars on multiple fronts against groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah have escalated, with a broader war considered likely.

Lebanese man arrested at U.S.-Mexico border for ties to Hezbollah

A Lebanese man arrested at the U.S.-Mexico border confessed to being a member of Hezbollah and planning to build a bomb in the United States. Sen. Ted Cruz blamed President Biden and Democrats for the border crisis and potential terrorist threats.

Lebanese Migrant Arrested as Hezbollah Terrorist near El Paso

Lebanese migrant apprehended near El Paso, Texas claims to be a Hezbollah terrorist and planned to make a bomb. He admitted to training with Hezbollah for 7 years and serving as an active member for 4 years.

Possibility of War with Hezbollah in Lebanon

IDF Col. (Res.) Ronen Cohen discusses the possibility of war against Hezbollah in Lebanon and the reasons why the war in the North hasn't escalated. He highlights concerns about the cost of war and the preference for reaching an agreement to end conflicts.

Israeli Drone Strike in Lebanon

An Israeli drone strike in Lebanon killed a Hamas member and a Syrian man, with Israel claiming the Hamas member was responsible for attacks against Israeli and Jewish targets worldwide.

Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israel

Hezbollah fired over 100 rockets into northern Israel, prompting Israeli retaliation. The group cited Israeli strikes in Lebanon and support for Palestinians in Gaza as reasons for the attack.

Recent Developments in the Middle East

Supreme Court rules Trump can't be kicked off ballot over Capitol riot; American diplomat in Beirut to de-escalate Hezbollah-Israel conflict; Anti-tank missile hits field in northern Israel, one dead; Benny Gantz in Washington amid tension with Netanyahu; Family members of Hamas hostages demand release in Israel; Israeli forces raid Ramallah, killing 16-year-old; Gen. Kurilla meets with Israel's defense minister; Gallup poll shows declining opinions of Israel and Palestinian Authority in the U.S.; UN human rights chief warns against escalation in Gaza conflict

Israeli Drone Strike Kills Hezbollah Operatives in Lebanon

Abbas Ahmed Halil, the grandson of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, was reportedly one of three Hezbollah terrorists killed in an Israeli drone strike in southern Lebanon. The conflict between Israel and Hezbollah has resulted in casualties on both sides, with ongoing tensions and potential for further violence.

Escalation of Airstrikes Between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon

Recent escalation of airstrikes between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon has resulted in civilian casualties and destruction of homes and infrastructure on both sides of the border. The conflict has forced thousands to flee their homes in southern Lebanon and has the potential to escalate into a full-scale war.

Tensions in Israeli-occupied Golan Heights near Lebanon

Fears are growing in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights near Lebanon that cross-border clashes could escalate into a bigger conflict, potentially involving Hezbollah. Israeli Defense Minister warns a Gaza truce won't stop military operations in the north. Experts say Hezbollah has a formidable arsenal of rockets. Both sides have suffered casualties, and tensions remain high.

Iran's Support for Hezbollah's Escalation Against Israel

Iran has reportedly given Hezbollah the green light to escalate attacks along Israel's northern border, with conditions set for launching a large-scale attack only after 'becoming certain of Israel's intention.'

Middle East Tensions

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warns of potential attacks by Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas against Israel during Ramadan. Gallant advocates for reducing tensions and allowing Palestinian West Bank workers to return to their Israeli jobs. IDF strikes Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon following rocket attacks on Israel. Hamas fires rockets on Israel from Gaza.

Israeli airstrike targeting Hezbollah commander in Lebanon

Israeli Defense Forces announce airstrike targeting and killing Hezbollah commander Hassan Hussein Salami in southern Lebanon, escalating tensions between Israel and Hezbollah.

Israeli military strikes Hezbollah targets in Lebanon

Israeli military strikes targets of militant Hezbollah group deep inside Lebanon, killing at least two people. Tensions escalate along Lebanon-Israel border as talks for Gaza cease-fire are ongoing.

Israel Defense Forces conduct naval exercises near Lebanon to send a warning to Hezbollah

The Israel Defense Forces conducted naval exercises in the Mediterranean Sea near Lebanon to send a warning to Hezbollah. Clashes along the Israeli-Lebanese border have intensified as Hezbollah continues to fire rockets and drones at Israel. Israeli leaders have stated that if a diplomatic solution is not found, they will go to war in Lebanon.