Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dissolves war Cabinet

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dissolved the war Cabinet after key rivals quit, forming a smaller 'kitchen cabinet' for sensitive consultations. The move was influenced by domestic politics and tensions with international partners. Recent polling shows Netanyahu's Likud party gaining ground. The conflict with Hamas has resulted in casualties and displacement, while heightened aggression from Hezbollah poses a threat to Lebanon and the region.

Key Points

  • Dissolution of war Cabinet after rivals quit
  • Formation of 'kitchen cabinet' for sensitive consultations
  • Domestic politics influencing decisions
  • Tensions with international partners, including the U.S.
  • Conflict with Hamas resulting in casualties and displacement
  • Hezbollah's aggression posing a threat to Lebanon and the region


  • Smaller forum may lead to more focused and sensitive consultations
  • Domestic political maneuvering could strengthen Netanyahu's position
  • Efforts to ease tensions on the Israel-Lebanon border are being made


  • Strains with international partners may intensify
  • Risks of wider escalation due to Hezbollah's increasing aggression