Pro-Beijing Groups Promoting Transgender Movement in the U.S.

Pro-Beijing groups backed by China-linked billionaires are promoting the transgender movement in the U.S. to advance a Marxist agenda, as revealed by author Peter Schweizer in his book 'Blood Money.' Two billionaires, Neville Roy Singham and Joseph Tsai, are funding organizations pushing transgenderism as a weapon against the capitalist order.

Key Points

  • China-backed billionaires funding organizations promoting transgender movement in the U.S.
  • Transgenderism used as a tool to advance a Marxist agenda against capitalist values
  • Lack of criticism towards China's treatment of LGBTQ community by pro-Beijing groups


  • Reveals covert Chinese influence in promoting transgender movement in the U.S.
  • Sheds light on financial backing by China-linked billionaires
  • Highlights the use of transgenderism as a tool to advance a Marxist agenda


  • Raises concerns about foreign interference in U.S. domestic issues
  • Questions the motives behind funding transgender causes in the U.S.