Criticism of California Gov. Gavin Newsom and the fentanyl crisis

A truck billboard criticizing California Gov. Gavin Newsom for ignoring the fentanyl crisis, linking him to Chinese influence, and promoting Peter Schweizer's book 'Blood Money.' Street art in Hollywood also highlighted the fentanyl epidemic and criticized politicians. Schweizer discusses the connection between China, fentanyl trade, and Mexican cartels.

Key Points

  • Link between Chinese influence and the fentanyl trade highlighted
  • Promotion of Peter Schweizer's book 'Blood Money'
  • Criticism of politicians including Newsom, Biden, Schiff, and McConnell
  • Street art in Hollywood draws attention to the fentanyl epidemic


  • Sheds light on the fentanyl crisis in the United States
  • Raises awareness about potential Chinese influence in fentanyl trafficking


  • Potentially politically motivated and biased against Gavin Newsom