Atheism in the US

Atheism is still viewed negatively in the US, but many people are starting to accept atheists. Atheists vary in their beliefs and some prefer terms like agnostic, humanist, or freethinker. Atheists can be spiritual and have different interpretations of what it means to not believe. Many atheists keep their beliefs private due to social stigma.

Key Points

  • Atheism still faces challenges in the US
  • Variety of terms used by atheists to describe themselves
  • Atheists can be spiritual and have complex beliefs
  • Many atheists keep their beliefs private due to social stigma


  • Growing acceptance of atheists in society
  • Diverse beliefs and interpretations among atheists
  • Presence of spiritual atheists


  • Negative stereotypes and misconceptions about atheists
  • Social stigma leading many atheists to keep beliefs private