Debunking Myths About Schizophrenia

The article discusses the common myths and misconceptions surrounding schizophrenia, aiming to dispel stigma and increase understanding of the disorder.

Nigerian Swimmer Raises Mental Health Awareness

Nigerian swimmer raises awareness of mental health by swimming the length of a bridge in Lagos where many have jumped to their deaths. He aims to combat the stigma associated with mental health in Nigeria.

Leprosy Cases on the Rise in the United States

Leprosy cases are on the rise in the United States, particularly in Florida, with numbers more than doubling over the past decade. Cases are associated with contact with armadillos and can lead to severe symptoms and disabilities if left untreated.

Oprah Winfrey's Weight Loss Journey and Use of Medication

Oprah Winfrey opens up about her battle with obesity and how weight loss drugs helped her stop obsessing over food. Viewers criticized her for promoting drugs like Ozempic. Oprah defended her use of medication and emphasized the importance of ending the stigma around obesity.

Atheism in the US

Atheism is still viewed negatively in the US, but many people are starting to accept atheists. Atheists vary in their beliefs and some prefer terms like agnostic, humanist, or freethinker. Atheists can be spiritual and have different interpretations of what it means to not believe. Many atheists keep their beliefs private due to social stigma.

Rise of Stay-at-Home Fathers

The percentage of stay-at-home fathers has increased over the last three decades, with more men opting to be primary caretakers for their children. Factors contributing to this rise include the pandemic, high cost of child care, and job stability for women. Stigma surrounding stay-at-home fathers has lessened, and some have turned it into a successful business. Stay-at-home fathers face challenges and stereotypes, but many find fulfillment in their roles as caregivers.