Anti-Israel Protests at the Academy Awards

Anti-Israel protesters marched through the streets ahead of the Academy Awards calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, criticizing Hollywood's support of U.S.-funded Israeli actions in Gaza. Police issued a dispersal order for unlawful assembly near the Oscars venue. Protests aimed to disrupt the event and highlight retaliation against industry figures critical of Israel. Recent polls suggest challenges for Biden with young voters due to his support of Israel. Director Paul Roland Bois promoted his film 'EXEMPLUM' during the protests.

Key Points

  • Protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza
  • Criticism of Hollywood's support of Israel
  • Demonstration near the Oscars venue
  • Police issuing a dispersal order for unlawful assembly
  • Protests aiming to disrupt the event and expose industry retaliation against critics of Israel
  • Challenges for Biden with young voters due to his support of Israel
  • Promotion of the film 'EXEMPLUM' by director Paul Roland Bois


  • Highlighting the ongoing conflict in Gaza
  • Raising awareness about Hollywood's involvement in political issues


  • Disruption of the Academy Awards event
  • Potential for escalating tensions