Impact of Drought on Zimbabwe's Tobacco Production

Zimbabwe, Africa's largest tobacco producer, is facing a sharp decline in harvests and quality due to a drought blamed on climate change and worsened by the El Niño weather phenomenon. Small-scale farmers, who rely on rain, are the most affected.

Key Points

  • Zimbabwe projects a significant decrease in tobacco production due to drought.
  • Drought worsened by climate change and El Niño.
  • Small-scale farmers, who depend on rain, are vulnerable to weather conditions.
  • Tobacco is a crucial foreign currency earner for Zimbabwe.
  • Farmers face financial challenges due to poor quality and reduced harvests.


  • Tobacco is one of Zimbabwe's major foreign currency earners.


  • Sharp decline in tobacco harvests and quality.
  • Small-scale farmers heavily impacted due to reliance on rain.
  • Farmers facing financial difficulties and need for food assistance.