Nationwide Electricity Outage in Ecuador

A nationwide electricity outage struck Ecuador, leaving the nation in the dark and affecting the capital's subway system. The outage was caused by a failure in the transmission line, leading to confusion on the streets and halting subway operations.

Record-Breaking Rainfall in Sarasota, Florida

A city on Florida's west coast was hit by a record-breaking 8 inches of rain in just three hours, causing flash floods and disrupting travel. The rain was so rare that it should only be expected every 500 to 1,000 years.

Mexico's Wildlife Crisis During Heat Wave and Drought

Amid a heat wave and drought in Mexico, suffering birds are receiving air-conditioning and monkeys with heatstroke are being rescued by NGOs while the government focuses on cooling animals in state-run zoos. Howler monkeys are falling dead from trees due to heatstroke, with over 250 deaths reported. NGOs are leading the rescue efforts as the government faces budget cuts.

Severe Drought in Zambia

Cindy McCain, executive director of the World Food Programme, discusses the severe drought in Zambia leading to hunger for 21 million people in the region. The WFP is providing emergency food aid and implementing long-term sustainable solutions like drought-resistant crops and water projects.

Mexico City Water Crisis

Mexico City is facing a severe water crisis due to a combination of climate change, urban sprawl, and poor infrastructure. The city's water supply is rapidly dwindling, with key reservoirs at historically low levels and the possibility of 'Day Zero' looming. The situation is exacerbated by corruption, drought, and inadequate water management.

Summer Weather Forecast for 2024 in the United States

NOAA's Climate Prediction Center predicts a hotter-than-normal summer for almost every U.S. state, with the West and Northeast facing the highest chances of above-average temperatures. Drier conditions are also expected, potentially leading to drought in the West. A La Niña pattern by late summer may exacerbate these conditions.

Heat Wave in Mexico

Record-high temperatures in ten cities in Mexico, including the capital, have led to blackouts and heat-related deaths. The heat wave is exacerbated by a severe nationwide drought.

Sunken Church Emerges in Dried-Up Dam in Nueva Ecija, Philippines

Ruins of a centuries-old town have emerged at a dam parched by drought in the northern Philippines, giving residents a rare spectacle and an extra source of income in a region dependent on rice-growing.

Water Rationing in Bogotá, Colombia Due to Drought

A long spell of dry weather caused by the El Niño pattern has led to water rationing in Bogotá, Colombia. The drought has affected daily life and businesses, with power cuts and forest fires also occurring in South America due to the lack of rainfall.

Water Crisis in Bogotá, Colombia

Bogotá, Colombia is facing a severe water crisis due to a long spell of dry weather caused by the El Niño weather pattern, leading to water rationing and power cuts. The drought has depleted reservoirs and impacted businesses and daily life in the city.

Colombian Water Crisis

Colombian President urges Bogota residents to leave the city temporarily to reduce pressure on drought-hit water reservoirs. The country is facing a severe water crisis due to the El Nino weather phenomenon, with reservoir levels dropping significantly.

Water Dispute between Texas and Mexico

Texas and Mexico are in a water dispute over a decades-old treaty, causing severe drought-driven water shortages impacting farmers in both countries.

Water Dispute Between Mexico and Texas

Mexico is not releasing water from its dams as part of a 1944 international agreement, causing drought conditions in Texas and leading to a disaster declaration by Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino. The issue stems from the 1944 International Water Treaty regulating water distribution from the Rio Grande and the Colorado River.

Water Crisis in Bogotá, Colombia

Bogotá, Colombia is facing a water crisis due to drought, leading to water rationing measures that have impacted approximately 9 million people. The city is heavily reliant on surface water sources like reservoirs, making it vulnerable to drought. The crisis is exacerbated by the impact of El Niño, with authorities urging a sustainable behavioral change to ensure enough water for everyone.

Water Crisis in Oahu, Hawaii

Oahu, Hawaii is facing a water crisis due to factors like drought, pollution, and climate change, threatening the island's freshwater supply and agriculture. The situation is exacerbated by tourism and industrial activities. Native Hawaiians and environmental advocates are warning of dire consequences if immediate action is not taken.

Impact of Wind Farm Construction on Salmon Fishing Industry in California

Federal fishery managers voted to cancel all commercial and recreational salmon fishing off the coast of California for the second year due to dwindling stocks, impacting the fishing industry and economy.

California's Salmon Fishing Season Cancellation

California's salmon fishing season has been canceled due to dwindling fish population caused by drought, heat waves, agriculture, and damming.

Southern Africa Drought Crisis

Zimbabwe declared a state of disaster due to a severe drought caused by the El Nino weather phenomenon, seeking $2 billion in humanitarian aid to help millions facing food shortages. Other countries in southern Africa are also affected, with millions in need of assistance.

California's Snowpack and Water Supply

California's mountain snowpack has peaked just above its historic average for early spring, ensuring ample water this summer. Governor Newsom urges caution in water usage despite the positive outlook.

Water Crisis in Mexico City

Mexico City faces water crisis as neighborhoods are forced to ration water due to drought; experts warn of 'day zero' by June.

Impact of Drought on Zimbabwe's Tobacco Production

Zimbabwe, Africa's largest tobacco producer, is facing a sharp decline in harvests and quality due to a drought blamed on climate change and worsened by the El Niño weather phenomenon. Small-scale farmers, who rely on rain, are the most affected.

Impact of Climate Change on Morocco's Public Baths

Morocco's public baths, known as hammams, are facing closures due to water shortages caused by climate change and drought. The closures have sparked debate over water rationing and inequality in water usage.

Record Heat and Drought in Morocco

Morocco experienced record heat this winter, with the hottest January since measurements began attributed to climate change. The country is facing a sixth consecutive year of drought, threatening agriculture and the economy.

California Drought Forecast

AccuWeather predicts no widespread drought in California through 2025 due to abundant rain and snow in recent winters, replenishing water reservoirs and quenching parched landscape.

Water Crisis in Mexico City

Mexico City is facing a severe water crisis due to drought and low rainfall, leading to water shortages for over 21 million residents. The city's infrastructure and historical geography are contributing to the critical situation.

Environmental Issues in Italy: Pollution and Drought

Italy is facing severe pollution and drought issues due to lack of rain, leading to water shortages, decreased wine production, and early awakening of bees. Northern Italy's high air pollution levels have prompted bans on gas-guzzling cars and spraying of animal waste onto fields.