Mexico's Wildlife Crisis During Heat Wave and Drought

Amid a heat wave and drought in Mexico, suffering birds are receiving air-conditioning and monkeys with heatstroke are being rescued by NGOs while the government focuses on cooling animals in state-run zoos. Howler monkeys are falling dead from trees due to heatstroke, with over 250 deaths reported. NGOs are leading the rescue efforts as the government faces budget cuts.

Key Points

  • Heat wave and drought in Mexico have led to mass deaths of wildlife, especially howler monkeys
  • NGOs are playing a crucial role in rescuing and stabilizing distressed animals
  • Government response has been criticized for being inadequate


  • NGOs are actively rescuing and caring for distressed wildlife during the crisis
  • Awareness is being raised about the impact of extreme weather conditions on animals


  • Government response has been focused on cooling animals in zoos rather than addressing the larger wildlife crisis
  • Budget cuts have limited the government's ability to respond effectively