Shrinkflation in the Cereal Aisle

Manufacturers in the cereal aisle in San Rafael, California have been using 'shrinkflation' techniques for years, where products are getting smaller amidst inflation and higher food prices. Politicians are now scrutinizing this practice, with even Cookie Monster complaining about it on social media. President Biden promised to sign a bill banning shrinkflation.

Key Points

  • Shrinkflation is the practice of reducing product sizes while keeping prices the same.
  • The current focus on shrinkflation is heightened due to high food prices and inflation.
  • Politicians are taking notice and considering legislation to address shrinkflation.


  • Increased awareness about shrinkflation may lead to better consumer protection laws.
  • Scrutiny from politicians could result in stricter regulations for product sizing.


  • Consumers may continue to pay more for less until regulations are put in place.
  • Manufacturers may find other ways to offset costs, potentially impacting consumers.