Mice Infestation on Marion Island

SOURCE www.nbcnews.com
Mice on Marion Island near Antarctica are breeding out of control due to climate change, causing harm to seabirds. Conservationists are planning a mass extermination project using helicopters and rodent poison to preserve the island's unique biodiversity.

Key Points

  • Mice on Marion Island are causing harm to seabirds due to their out-of-control breeding
  • Conservationists are planning a mass extermination project to eradicate the mice using helicopters and rodenticide bait
  • The project is critical for the ecology of the island and wider Southern Ocean


  • Preservation of unique biodiversity on Marion Island
  • Protection of globally significant bird species
  • Success of the eradication project could set a precedent for similar conservation efforts


  • Potential harm to some individual animal species during the eradication process