Extinction of Woolly Mammoths and Megaherbivores

A new study suggests that human predation by early hunter-gatherers was the main reason for the extinction of woolly mammoths and other giant plant-eating 'megaherbivores' around 50,000 years ago. The study found evidence of human hunting and overexploitation of large animals as the key driver of their extinction.

Extinction of Megafauna Due to Human Predation

A new study suggests that human predation by early hunter-gatherers was the main reason for the extinction of woolly mammoths and other giant herbivores around 50,000 years ago. The extinction of megafauna continues to be a concern in modern times due to human activity.

Prehistoric Human Impact on Megafauna Extinction

Prehistoric humans likely caused the mass extinction of megafauna species, reshaping life on Earth 50,000 years ago. The study by researchers at Aarhus University found that human hunting and ecosystem modification were the primary culprits behind the downfall of Earth's giants.

Giant Atlantic Sturgeon Caught in Hudson River

A giant Atlantic sturgeon weighing 220 pounds and six feet long was caught in the Hudson River in New York. The fish was measured, tagged, and released back into the wild. The population of sturgeons in the Hudson River is being monitored.

Giant Pandas Arriving in San Diego from China

Giant pandas are being sent from China to San Diego as part of a diplomatic effort, marking the first such arrival in the U.S. in over two decades. This move is seen as a positive step in improving U.S.-China relations and conservation efforts.

Rare Corpse Flower Blooms at Harvard University's Arnold Arboretum

A rare corpse flower is blooming at Harvard University's Arnold Arboretum in Boston, emitting a powerful stench similar to rotting meat. The plant, native to Sumatra, Indonesia, blooms for just two to three days once every year or two. Corpse flowers are endangered with fewer than 1,000 remaining in the wild.

Rediscovery of a plant in Vermont

A plant was rediscovered in Vermont after being unseen for over a century.

Whale Sightings off New England

Scientists report a large number of whales off New England, including an orca eating a tuna and a high concentration of rare sei whales. The area is important core habitat for endangered North Atlantic right whales, with concerns about vessel strikes and entanglements.

Endangered Vaquita Marina Porpoises in the Gulf of California

The critically endangered vaquita marina porpoises in the Gulf of California have been sighted in very low numbers, with conservation efforts facing challenges due to illegal fishing practices and lack of enforcement of protection regulations.

NYC Audubon Name Change

NYC Audubon changed its name to NYC Bird Alliance to distance itself from John James Audubon's pro-slavery views. The name change was formalized by a membership vote on June 5, 2024, following similar moves by other Audubon Society chapters in different cities.

Illegal Wildlife Trade and Trafficking

The illegal wildlife trade is a multi-billion dollar enterprise that poses threats to global biodiversity and ecosystems. Recent seizure of box turtles in Los Angeles highlights the need for specialized care and long-term solutions for confiscated animals.

Helicopter pilot charged with harassing nesting birds in Florida

A helicopter pilot in Florida was charged with harassing nesting birds after landing on a closed shorebird nesting site, scattering hundreds of shorebirds. He claimed to have landed due to fuel leak concerns.

Terri Irwin's Reflection on Marriage and Life After Steve Irwin's Death

Terri Irwin, widow of Steve Irwin, has no interest in dating after his death in 2006. She reflects on their happy marriage and expresses contentment with being on her own. Despite a celebrity crush on Russell Crowe, she is not looking to start a new romantic relationship.

China sending new pandas to Smithsonian National Zoo

China will send two new pandas to the Smithsonian National Zoo by the end of the year as part of an upgrade to the zoo's panda habitat.

National Zoo Giant Pandas

The National Zoo in Washington, D.C. bid farewell to its giant pandas Tian Tian, Mei Xiang, and Xiao Qi Ji as they returned to China. Two new adolescent pandas, Bao Li and Qing Bao, are expected to arrive by the end of the year. This marks the end of a decades-old connection between the U.S. and giant pandas, with China no longer renewing panda loans to U.S. zoos due to souring relations.

Critically Endangered Right Whale Sighting off Marin County Coast

A critically endangered right whale was spotted off the Marin County coast, thrilling scientists. The species was driven nearly to extinction by commercial whaling and faces ongoing threats from human activity. Very little is known about their movements and behaviors due to their rarity.

Tourism and Conservation

NPS officials are searching for men who destroyed ancient rock formations at Lake Mead. Japanese town erects giant screen to prevent tourist overcrowding at Mount Fuji, but holes appear for camera lenses. Over-tourism is a growing issue in popular destinations like Kyoto and Kamakura.

Dubai's ambitious project to build the world's biggest beach with high-tech bio domes

Dubai plans to build the world's biggest beach with high-tech bio domes to house mangroves, a botanic museum, and a conservation center. The project aims to blend nature with leisure, boost educational tourism, and capture carbon emissions.

Gray Wolves and Federal Protection

The U.S. House voted to end federal protection for gray wolves, sparking debate between hunters and conservationists on the wolves' future.

Gray Wolf Endangered Species Protections

The US House of Representatives passed a bill to remove endangered species protections for gray wolves, sparking outrage among conservationists. The White House opposes the bill and may veto it if it reaches President Biden's desk.

San Francisco to Receive Giant Pandas from China

San Francisco prepares to receive a pair of giant pandas from China as part of Beijing's 'panda diplomacy'. The loan was announced by San Francisco Mayor London Breed and officials from China Wildlife Conservation Association. The pandas are expected to arrive in 2025.

Biden Administration Restricts Oil and Gas Leasing in Alaskan Petroleum Reserve

The Biden administration has announced restrictions on oil and gas leasing on more than 13 million acres of an Alaskan petroleum reserve to conserve land valuable to Alaska Native people and important fish and wildlife, sparking protests from Republican lawmakers.

Flower Gardens Across the United States

A super bloom of flowers occurred in Arizona along the North Bush Highway. Wisconsin photographer Cheryl Koval captured the rare video. The article highlights five of the best flower gardens in America across different U.S. time zones, including Selby Gardens in Florida, Missouri Botanical Garden, Betty Ford Alpine Garden in Colorado, Crystal Spring in Oregon, and Limahuli Garden & Preserved in Kauai, Hawaii.

Rescue and conservation efforts for sea otters in California

Female sea otter rescued after mother killed by orca attack, cared for at Alaska SeaLife Center. Sea otter pups in California stranded due to storms, paired with surrogate mothers by Aquarium of the Pacific and Monterey Bay Aquarium to teach life skills and return to the wild. California sea otters, protected species, critical to ecosystem balance.

Endangered Bornean Orangutan Baby Born at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

An endangered Bornean orangutan baby was born at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay in Florida, marking a milestone in orangutan conservation efforts.

Wild Buffaloes Electrocuted in Kenya

Eight wild buffaloes in Kenya were electrocuted after walking into low-lying power lines at Lake Nakuru National Park. Conservationists have raised concerns over the risk to wildlife posed by power lines. President William Ruto announced the construction of an electric fence to prevent elephants from encroaching into neighboring farms.

Endangered Sea Turtles Release in Georgia

Nearly three dozen endangered sea turtles were released into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Georgia after being stunned by cold waters in northern states.

Sea Turtles Rehabilitation and Release

Thirty-four sea turtles were released back into the ocean after going through rehabilitation programs, with volunteers from various organizations helping transport them to different rehabilitation centers. The turtles were found stranded on Cape Cod and New York shores due to dropping ocean temperatures. Kemp’s ridley and green sea turtles were among those rehabilitated and released.

Protection of Whales through Legal Personhood Treaty

Indigenous leaders in the Pacific signed a treaty granting whales legal personhood to protect them from climate change effects. The treaty aims to provide whales with rights such as freedom of movement, natural behavior development, and a healthy environment.

Botswana's Elephant Management and Trophy Hunting Debate

Botswana is facing backlash from European nations, particularly Germany, over its elephant management strategy involving trophy hunting. President Mokgweetsi Masisi of Botswana threatened to send 20,000 elephants to Germany in response to the potential ban on elephant trophies. The debate highlights the complex relationship between trophy hunting and conservation efforts.

Sawfish Deaths in Florida Keys

Rare sawfish are dying at unprecedented numbers in the Florida Keys, and scientists are unsure of the cause. Federal officials are working to save some of them.

Polar Bears' Health and Conservation Efforts

Nora and Amelia Gray, sister polar bears at the Oregon Zoo, were caught playing in their pool. Laerke, another polar bear at Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma, had a successful medical exam, showing optimal health. Polar bears face threats due to climate change, and zoos play a crucial role in educating the public about conservation efforts.

Controversy Over Proposal to Cull Barred Owls to Protect Spotted Owls

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed culling roughly half a million barred owls to protect the northern spotted owl, a threatened species facing extinction due to competition from the more aggressive barred owl. Conservationists and animal welfare advocates are debating the moral implications of killing one species to save another.

Rediscovering Lost Species

Many species are becoming endangered or extinct, some are considered 'lost' if not seen in 10 years, leading to difficulties in conservation efforts. 'Charismatic' animals have better chances of being rediscovered and protected, while 'uncharismatic' species face challenges. Researchers use innovative methods like scent detection dogs and eDNA to rediscover lost species.

Impact of Conservation Efforts on Water Use in California

President Biden's wind farm plan opposed by Maine's fisheries and Southern California's Imperial Irrigation District faces delays due to a conservation program to protect the endangered desert pupfish and other species along the Colorado River.

Javan Tiger Conservation Efforts

Indonesian conservationists are investigating the possibility of the Javan tiger, declared extinct, still existing in the wild through DNA and camera traps. Recent DNA study suggests a strand of tiger hair matched the characteristics of the Javan tiger. Measures are being taken to confirm its existence and protect it from potential threats.

Great White Sharks Migration

Great white sharks are on the move from southern waters, with researchers knowing little about where they mate. Three great white sharks have appeared off the Atlantic coast recently, with tagged sharks pinging off Georgia and South Carolina coasts.

Rare Pygmy Hippopotamus Birth at Attica Zoological Park

A rare and endangered pygmy hippopotamus has been born at the Attica Zoological Park in Athens, Greece, bringing joy to conservationists.

Birth of Rare Pygmy Hippo in Athens Zoo

Athens zoo welcomes the birth of a rare and endangered pygmy hippopotamus, the first in 10 years. The baby is a male, a significant event due to a lack of male pygmy hippos in captivity. Pygmy hippos are endangered, with only about 2,000-2,500 left in the wild.

Mice Infestation on Marion Island

Mice on Marion Island near Antarctica are breeding out of control due to climate change, causing harm to seabirds. Conservationists are planning a mass extermination project using helicopters and rodent poison to preserve the island's unique biodiversity.

Conservation of Land Previously Owned by Frank Zappa

The land, once owned by musician Frank Zappa, is now a thriving wildlife hub. Conservationists have until April 20 to raise funds to preserve it.

Pregnant Great White Shark's Journey to Gulf of Mexico

A pregnant great white shark named LeeBeth has traveled over 2,000 miles south to the Gulf of Mexico, providing valuable clues to help the species. Scientists are thrilled about her journey and curious about her next destination.

Illegal Killing of a Whooping Crane in Louisiana

A $5,000 reward is being offered to find out who killed a whooping crane in Louisiana. The bird was shot and found dead in January, leading to a spinal fracture and internal bleeding. Whooping cranes are endangered, and it is illegal to harm them in any way.

Rare Sighting of Gray Whale in Nantucket, Massachusetts

Scientists from the New England Aquarium spotted a gray whale swimming near the water of Nantucket, Massachusetts, for the first time in over 200 years.

Impact of Cherry Orchard Expansion on Wildlife Corridor in Kelowna, British Columbia

The expansion of a cherry orchard in Kelowna, British Columbia, is impacting a wildlife corridor crucial for at-risk species, raising concerns about urban sprawl and development encroaching on natural habitat.

Fred Tutman's Conservation Efforts

Fred Tutman has been a prominent advocate for protecting the Patuxent River in Maryland for many years, working to increase diversity in the conservation field as a Black man in a predominantly white industry.

Florida Butterfly Comeback

A small butterfly native to Florida is making a remarkable comeback after being thought to be gone from the region.

Rhino Poaching in South Africa

South Africa reported a sharp increase in rhino poaching, with almost 500 animals killed in 2023, posing a significant threat to the rhino population in the country.

Discovery of New Species of Snake in the Amazon Rainforest

Scientists in the Amazon rainforest discovered a new species of snake, the northern green anaconda, rumored to be the biggest in the world. The team found anacondas measuring up to 20.7 feet long and weighing up to 1,100 pounds. The newly identified species diverged from the southern green anaconda almost 10 million years ago and differs genetically by 5.5%.

End of Oil and Gas Drilling Off Canada's Pacific Coast

All oil and gas drilling permits off Canada's Pacific coast have been voluntarily returned, marking the end of drilling in the area. This move is seen as a milestone in protecting the ecologically rich waters of Canada's west coast.

Discovery of the Northern Green Anaconda in the Amazon Rainforest

A new species of the Northern Green Anaconda, the world's largest snake, has been discovered in the Amazon Rainforest. The snake is 26ft long, weighs 440lbs, and has a head the size of a human's. This discovery highlights the importance of protecting the region from climate change and deforestation.