Illegal Wildlife Trade and Trafficking

The illegal wildlife trade is a multi-billion dollar enterprise that poses threats to global biodiversity and ecosystems. Recent seizure of box turtles in Los Angeles highlights the need for specialized care and long-term solutions for confiscated animals.

Key Points

  • Wildlife trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry with significant global impact
  • Confiscated animals require specialized care and long-term solutions
  • Efforts are being made to combat wildlife trafficking and provide better care for seized animals


  • Efforts by organizations like the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Association for Zoos and Aquariums to combat wildlife trafficking
  • Highlighting the importance of addressing the illegal wildlife trade for global biodiversity and ecosystem balance


  • Seized animals suffer distress and may never return to their natural habitats
  • The scale of the illegal wildlife trade poses challenges for authorities and conservation efforts