NYC Audubon Name Change

NYC Audubon changed its name to NYC Bird Alliance to distance itself from John James Audubon's pro-slavery views. The name change was formalized by a membership vote on June 5, 2024, following similar moves by other Audubon Society chapters in different cities.

Key Points

  • NYC Audubon changed name to NYC Bird Alliance
  • Formalized by a membership vote on June 5, 2024
  • Similar moves by other Audubon Society chapters in various cities
  • John James Audubon was a slave owner and opposed abolitionism
  • Hope for broader support for conservation and advocacy work


  • Symbolic change to distance from pro-slavery views
  • Signaling value for cooperative efforts to save wild birds
  • Hope for broader support for advocating endangered bird species


  • Potential confusion due to name change for existing members and partners