Rescue and conservation efforts for sea otters in California

Female sea otter rescued after mother killed by orca attack, cared for at Alaska SeaLife Center. Sea otter pups in California stranded due to storms, paired with surrogate mothers by Aquarium of the Pacific and Monterey Bay Aquarium to teach life skills and return to the wild. California sea otters, protected species, critical to ecosystem balance.

Key Points

  • Sea otter rescued after orca attack, cared for at Alaska SeaLife Center
  • California sea otters stranded due to storms and separated from mothers
  • Surrogate mothers at Aquarium of the Pacific mimic natural behaviors for otter pups
  • Sea otters critical to ecosystem balance in California shore ecosystems


  • Rescue and care for stranded sea otter pups
  • Partnership to pair pups with surrogate mothers for rehabilitation
  • Efforts to increase sea otter population for ecosystem balance


  • Sea otters were relentlessly hunted for their fur in the past
  • Feeding sea otters is expensive and requires constant fundraising