Don Lemon's new digital show launch on X and interview with Elon Musk

Don Lemon's new digital show launch on X was delayed due to technical glitches, but the episode featuring an interview with Elon Musk was eventually posted. Musk had canceled a partnership with Lemon, leading to a public dispute. The video was streamed on YouTube instead of X at first. Lemon faced challenges with X's platform but managed to get the episode out elsewhere. Musk criticized Lemon's interview style, comparing it to Jeff Zucker's.

Key Points

  • Technical glitches delayed the launch of Don Lemon's new digital show on X
  • Musk canceled a partnership with Lemon, leading to public criticism
  • The episode featuring an interview with Elon Musk was eventually posted on YouTube
  • Lemon faced challenges with X's platform but managed to get the episode out elsewhere


  • Episode featuring an interview with Elon Musk was eventually posted
  • Lemon managed to get the episode out through other platforms despite technical glitches


  • Initial delay in posting the episode on X due to technical issues
  • Cancellation of partnership between Musk and Lemon leading to public dispute