Generosity of a Pokémon Card Collector

Ross 'Coop' Cooper is a Pokémon card collector who enjoys gifting cards to children at conventions, building a loyal following on YouTube. He values spreading joy and kindness over making a profit from his hobby.

YouTube star facing federal charges for directing video with helicopter shooting fireworks at Lamborghini

YouTube star Alex Choi facing federal charges for directing a video where fireworks were shot from a helicopter at a Lamborghini in the desert outside Los Angeles last year.

Google's YouTube Compliance with Hong Kong Court Order

Google's YouTube complies with a court decision to block access to 32 video links in Hong Kong, including a protest anthem. Critics say this restricts freedoms in the financial hub amid a security clampdown.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman's Continued Interest in Fringe Content on YouTube

Rep. Jamaal Bowman's YouTube account shows he still follows fringe content, including conspiracy theories about time travel, aliens, and government plots, despite disowning his past promotion of 9/11 conspiracy theories. His subscriptions range from right-wing to left-wing sources, with a mix of mainstream and apolitical accounts. Bowman denies familiarity with the extreme content he follows, emphasizing more pressing domestic and international issues.

Trailer for Warner Bros.' “Joker: Folie à Deux” with Suicide Warning

YouTube added a warning for suicide and self-harm topics to the trailer of Warner Bros.' “Joker: Folie à Deux.” The trailer featuring Joaquin Phoenix reprising his role as the Joker debuted at CinemaCon. The movie includes music as an essential element and will be released on October 4, 2024.

Tech Companies Facing Lawsuit for Role in Radicalizing Shooter

A judge ruled that Reddit and YouTube must face a lawsuit alleging their algorithms played a role in radicalizing a shooter who killed 10 Black people in a grocery store. The lawsuit challenges Section 230 protection for internet platforms.

Don Lemon's new digital show launch on X and interview with Elon Musk

Don Lemon's new digital show launch on X was delayed due to technical glitches, but the episode featuring an interview with Elon Musk was eventually posted. Musk had canceled a partnership with Lemon, leading to a public dispute. The video was streamed on YouTube instead of X at first. Lemon faced challenges with X's platform but managed to get the episode out elsewhere. Musk criticized Lemon's interview style, comparing it to Jeff Zucker's.

Abortion Debate and Big Tech Censorship

President Biden appears to support abortion for all three trimesters of pregnancy, Republican attorneys general demand YouTube remove a "misleading" context disclaimer on a pro-life video, AGs criticize YouTube for spreading false information about chemical abortions, and reference a Supreme Court case on abortion pill challenge.

Disrespectful Comments About Pope Francis

A group of priests on a YouTube channel made disrespectful comments about praying for Pope Francis to die soon, prompting a bishop to rebuke them. The Archbishop expressed rejection of the comments and the group later apologized. Pope Francis, who has been suffering from influenza, recently underwent medical checks at a Roman hospital.

Mexico's President vs. YouTube

Mexico's president criticized YouTube for taking down part of his news briefing where he revealed a reporter's phone number, sparking a debate about press freedom and privacy laws.