Rep. Jamaal Bowman's Continued Interest in Fringe Content on YouTube

Rep. Jamaal Bowman's YouTube account shows he still follows fringe content, including conspiracy theories about time travel, aliens, and government plots, despite disowning his past promotion of 9/11 conspiracy theories. His subscriptions range from right-wing to left-wing sources, with a mix of mainstream and apolitical accounts. Bowman denies familiarity with the extreme content he follows, emphasizing more pressing domestic and international issues.

Key Points

  • Bowman's YouTube account shows subscriptions to fringe accounts promoting conspiracy theories
  • Content includes topics like time travel, aliens, government plots, and debunked conspiracies
  • Bowman denies familiarity with the extreme content, emphasizing other societal issues


  • Exposes the potential continued influence of fringe content on a public figure
  • Highlights the importance of being vigilant about the information we consume


  • Raises questions about the judgment and critical thinking of a member of Congress