Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's coalition facing challenge over law drafting religious soldiers

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's coalition faces challenge over law drafting religious soldiers, with tensions between ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities and the rest of the population.

Key Points

  • Growing resentment among non-religious Israelis towards the exemption of ultra-Orthodox Jews from military service.
  • Threats of coalition members quitting over the draft law's ambition level.
  • Involvement of U.S. intelligence agencies in predicting coalition collapse.
  • Attorney general's concerns about the current version of the draft law passing judicial scrutiny.


  • Resolving a long-standing issue in Israel regarding the exemption of ultra-Orthodox Jews from military service.
  • Potential for positive achievements in the midst of challenges.


  • Risk of coalition collapse due to differing opinions on the draft law.
  • Tensions between religious parties and centrist opposition adding complexity to the issue.