Compulsory Military Service for Ultra-Orthodox Men in Israel

Israel's Supreme Court has ruled that ultra-Orthodox men must be drafted for compulsory military service, ending decades-old exemptions, which could lead to the collapse of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition as Israel continues to fight in Gaza.

Abduction of Israeli Hostages by Hamas

Almog Levy's parents were abducted by Hamas gunmen, leaving him celebrating his third birthday without them. The Israeli government faces criticism for not securing their release as Netanyahu focuses on destroying Hamas militarily. More than 37,600 people have been killed in Gaza since the conflict began.

Israeli Supreme Court Rules on Military Draft for Ultra-Orthodox Men

Israel's Supreme Court rules that ultra-Orthodox men must begin military service, potentially leading to collapse of Prime Minister Netanyahu's coalition. The decision ends a system of exemptions that has caused division among the Jewish population.

Israeli air strikes in Gaza

Israeli air strikes in Gaza killed at least 11 Palestinians, including aid workers and medical staff. Ceasefire negotiations have not been successful. Prime Minister Netanyahu remains committed to a ceasefire agreement while also aiming to eliminate Hamas. The conflict has led to significant casualties and destruction in Gaza.

Israel's Supreme Court ruling on draft for ultra-Orthodox Jewish men

Israel's Supreme Court rules that ultra-Orthodox Jewish men must be drafted into the military, potentially leading to the collapse of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government.

Israeli Supreme Court ruling on ultra-Orthodox military service

Israeli Supreme Court rules that ultra-Orthodox men must be drafted for military service, sparking tensions and potential collapse of governing coalition. Netanyahu faces pressure to address issue amidst ongoing conflicts.

Kidnapping of Hersh Goldberg-Polin by Hamas

The parents of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, a 23-year-old Israeli American kidnapped by Hamas, are urging action to free him and two other captives. Netanyahu's government is under pressure to prioritize hostage release over military action against Hamas.

Israeli Prime Minister rejects full cease-fire deal in Gaza war

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu rejects full cease-fire deal in Gaza war, expresses commitment to continue war after a partial pause to eliminate Hamas.

Tensions between Israel and U.S. over weapons deliveries for Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims a 'dramatic drop' in U.S. weapons deliveries for Israel's war effort in Gaza, which the Biden administration denies, highlighting tensions between the two allies. The war in Gaza has strained the U.S.-Israel relationship, with Biden facing pressure from both progressive Democrats and critics on the right.

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu facing criticism from military over goal to destroy Hamas in Gaza

Protests in Israel for ceasefire in Gaza

Thousands in Israel protest for Netanyahu to accept ceasefire deal in Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Approach to War in Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu faces growing disagreement with his military over the approach to the war in Gaza, particularly regarding the goal of destroying Hamas. The lack of a postwar plan for Gaza is a key concern among top officials.

U.S.-Israel Meeting on Iran

The White House canceled a high-level U.S.-Israel meeting on Iran after Israeli PM Netanyahu released a video claiming the U.S. was withholding military aid. Biden's top advisers were enraged by the video, leading to strained relations between the two teams.

White House denies canceling meeting with Israeli officials

The White House denied canceling a meeting with Israeli officials, stating it was rescheduled due to a scheduling conflict. The meeting was originally reported to be canceled after Prime Minister Netanyahu criticized the Biden administration for delays in arms supply. The U.S. assured Israel that weapons deliveries would resume, but some issues persisted, leading to tensions between the two nations.

Israeli Hostage Rescue Operation in Gaza

Four hostages abducted in the Hamas attacks were rescued by Israeli special forces in Gaza, resulting in casualties on both sides. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faced political challenges following the rescue operation. The future of a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas remains uncertain.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Speech to Congress

House Republicans criticize progressive Democrats threatening to boycott Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress next month due to disagreement over Israel's operation in Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's key rival, Benny Gantz, resigns from war Cabinet

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's key rival, Benny Gantz, resigns from the war Cabinet after postwar plan for Gaza fails; Gantz demands elections and criticizes Netanyahu's leadership during the conflict.

Resignation of Benny Gantz from Israel's War Cabinet

Key member of Israel's war cabinet, Benny Gantz, resigns accusing Netanyahu of lack of strategy in dealing with Hamas in Gaza and prioritizing political survival over ending the war. Gantz calls for early elections in the fall.

Benny Gantz Resigns from Israeli Government

Benny Gantz, a key member of Israel's war cabinet and longtime rival of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, resigned from Netanyahu's government, citing a lack of progress in the conflict with Hamas in Gaza and growing discontent among the Israeli public.

Israeli Prime Minister's Key Rival Resigns from War Cabinet

Benny Gantz resigns from Israeli war Cabinet after postwar plan for Gaza fails to materialize, citing Netanyahu as obstacle to victory. Global condemnation of civilian death toll in Gaza war. Gantz calls for elections and criticizes Netanyahu for lack of plan. Netanyahu faces further isolation and relies on far-right support. U.N. orders Israel to halt offensive in Rafah. International Criminal Court seeks arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas leaders. Netanyahu claims Israeli military is the most moral army in the world. Far-right members threaten to dissolve government if Netanyahu agrees to proposal.

Rescue of Hostages in Gaza

Four hostages were rescued from Gaza in a miraculous and heroic operation, leading to joy in Israel but bloodshed in Gaza. The rescue highlighted the ongoing war's toll and failures in negotiations. The operation resulted in mass casualties, and calls for a cease-fire have been renewed. Netanyahu's actions following the rescue have faced criticism, and opposition leader Benny Gantz is expected to resign.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Congressional Address

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to address a joint session of Congress at the invitation of U.S. congressional leaders. The speech will focus on defending democracy, combating terror, and establishing peace in the region. Netanyahu has faced criticism from some Democrats for Israel's offensive against Hamas terrorists.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to Address Congress Amid Gaza Conflict

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to address Congress amid ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza, with tensions and boycotts expected from some Democrats. President Biden has criticized Netanyahu's handling of the war and called for more humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Criticism of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Invitation to Address Congress

Sen. Bernie Sanders criticizes top leaders for inviting Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to address Congress, calling him a 'war criminal' amid the ongoing war with Gaza. Several Senate Democrats express concern and disagreement with the decision, citing Netanyahu's actions and lack of commitment to a two-state solution.

President Biden's Comments on Netanyahu and the Israel-Hamas Conflict

President Biden's comments on Netanyahu's role in the conflict between Israel and Hamas sparked controversy and criticism from conservatives on social media, with accusations of incompetence and anti-Israel sentiment.

President Biden's Cease-Fire and Hostage Release Plan for Gaza

President Biden's cease-fire and hostage release plan for Gaza is reluctantly accepted by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with Hamas showing positive signs. The plan involves a full cease-fire, release of hostages, and prisoner exchanges.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Response to President Biden's Plan for Gaza

Israel's aide to Prime Minister Netanyahu confirmed agreeing to President Biden's plan to end the war in Gaza, despite calling it 'not a good deal.' Netanyahu's official stance remains unclear, emphasizing the need to destroy Hamas and free hostages.

President Biden's Three-Phase Hostage Deal Proposal for Gaza

President Biden presents a three-phase hostage deal proposal to end the war in Gaza, but Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's office insists on certain conditions for a ceasefire. Critics question the effectiveness of Biden's plan, while Hamas shows positivity towards it. The proposal includes phases for ceasefire, release of hostages, and reconstruction of Gaza.

Israeli Ceasefire Proposal

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu rejects ceasefire deal that allows Hamas to survive, despite U.S. President Biden presenting a proposal that Israel supposedly made. Netanyahu insists on Hamas's destruction, release of hostages, and ensuring Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel.

ICC Prosecutor Accuses Netanyahu of War Crimes

Former National Security Council official Richard Goldberg discusses why he believes the ICC should be defunded after an ICC prosecutor accused Netanyahu of war crimes. The ICC's chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, published an academic essay in 2013 suggesting the court cannot provide due process to defendants. The essay raises concerns about fairness, evidentiary rules, and media influence at the ICC.

Israeli Strike in Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged a tragic mistake after a strike killed dozens of Palestinians in Gaza, leading to international condemnation and ongoing investigations.

Israeli Military Reservist Mutiny Video

Israeli military launches investigation after reservist calls for mutiny against Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. The video shared on social media shows the reservist challenging Gallant's leadership. ICC Chief Prosecutor files applications for arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant, and Hamas leaders. International Court of Justice orders Israel to halt military assault on Gaza's Rafah city.

Antisemitism and Anti-Israel Sentiment

Fox News newsletter covers stories on rising anti-Jewish prejudice, campus chaos for Jewish students, and families of Israeli hostages. Rep. Elise Stefanik clashes with a university president over handling of antisemitism. Prime Minister Netanyahu rejects ICC arrest warrant request.

Humanitarian Aid in Gaza

Biden Campaign Co-Chair Sen. Chris Coons acknowledged that the best way to get humanitarian aid into Gaza is through a hostage and ceasefire deal with Hamas, and President Biden has been working to convince Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to deconflict and partner with the international community for aid delivery.

Response to ICC's Request for Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas Leaders

House lawmakers are working on a bipartisan response to the International Criminal Court (ICC) seeking arrest warrants against Hamas and Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The ICC's announcement has led to discussions about potential U.S. sanctions and responses.

German Chancellor's Threat to Arrest Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's administration stated they would arrest and deport Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu if the International Criminal Court implements a warrant for his detainment and extradition. This has sparked controversy and criticism regarding Germany's stance on Israel and the ICC.

ICC Requests Arrest Warrants for Israeli and Hamas Officials

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacts to the ICC requesting arrest warrants for himself, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and top Hamas leaders. Netanyahu criticizes the ICC's decision, calling it outrageous and false. President Biden rejects the ICC's application for arrest warrants against Israeli officials, stating there is no equivalence between Israel and Hamas.

Israeli Politics and Gaza Conflict

Benny Gantz threatens to resign from Israel's government if a new plan for the war in Gaza is not adopted, escalating a divide within the country's leadership.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians, Israeli Defense Minister's criticism of government's war strategy in Gaza

Israeli Defense Minister criticizes the government for ignoring discussions on replacing Hamas in Gaza, leading to a political firestorm. Netanyahu claims efforts to replace Hamas are covert. Hard-right members call for the defense minister to be replaced. Settlers rally for building Jewish settlements in Gaza. Netanyahu resists calls for Gaza to be governed by the Palestinian Authority.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Response to U.S. Discord Over Military Operations in Rafah

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses mounting discord with the U.S. over military operations in Rafah, stating Israel will press on with what needs to be done. Netanyahu faces protests in Israel over his government's handling of the crisis. U.S. warns against full-scale assault on Rafah without a credible plan for civilian safety. Israeli forces criticized for actions leading to loss of innocent lives in Gaza.

Israel Independence Day Celebration Amidst Conflict

Israel celebrates its 76th Independence Day amidst ongoing conflict with Hamas, honoring fallen soldiers and vowing to eradicate terrorists. Prime Minister Netanyahu emphasizes the importance of independence and defense. The day falls on May 14, 1948, marking the end of the British Mandate in Palestine and the declaration of Israeli independence.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Legacy Amid Biden's Threat to Withhold Offensive Aid

Sen. Chris Coons highlights the potential impact on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's legacy as Israel considers a direct assault on the Hamas stronghold of Rafah, amid President Biden's threat to withhold offensive aid. Netanyahu vows to eradicate Hamas despite potential consequences.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Biden's Weapon Withholding Controversy

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu discusses President Biden's vow to withhold weapons from Israel during an interview with Dr. Phil, citing potential civilian casualties in Gaza due to the lack of precision weapons. Netanyahu vows to eradicate Hamas despite the consequences.

Tensions between Israel and the US over military operation in Rafah

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledges to fight Hamas with all necessary means despite US President Joe Biden's warning against a major military operation in Rafah. The US has paused a shipment of precision munitions for Gaza, showing growing tensions between the two countries. Republicans in Washington rally behind Israel, while Biden defends his stance. Israel insists on the Rafah operation as crucial to defeating Hamas, while the US proposes alternative methods. The Biden administration wants to help Israel target Hamas leaders and create a new governance structure in Gaza without Hamas.

U.S.-Israel Relations and Biden Administration's Stance on Weapon Shipments

Sen. Rick Scott expresses concerns about Biden administration not providing enough support to Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu vows to stand alone to defeat Hamas if necessary. Biden threatens to withhold weapon shipments to Israel if they invade Rafah. Criticism arises due to the pause of weapons shipment and comparison of Hamas to Nazis.

Israeli Hostage Crisis in Gaza

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces competing pressures at home and abroad regarding the operation to defeat Hamas in Rafah and bring Israeli hostages home.

Recent News Articles from FOX News Network

Recent news articles from FOX News Network covering a variety of topics like antisemitism, Federal Reserve predictions, celebrity sightings, political controversies, and more.

Senator Bernie Sanders' comments on pro-Palestine demonstrations and President Joe Biden

Senator Bernie Sanders suggests that pro-Palestine demonstrations on college campuses could be President Joe Biden's Vietnam due to potential alienation of young people and the Democratic base over his views on Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Rejects ICC Indictment Threat

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejects any attempt by the International Criminal Court to indict Israeli officials over the war in Gaza, vows to destroy Hamas regardless, and criticizes the ICC for targeting Israel's self-defense efforts against genocidal terrorists.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Pledge to Launch Incursion into Gaza City

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledges to launch an incursion into Gaza city of Rafah, regardless of truce negotiations with Hamas, in an effort to eliminate Hamas' presence

US-Israel Relations and Protests on College Campuses

President Joe Biden held a phone call with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, discussing Israel's security, humanitarian aid in Gaza, and potential Israeli strategy in Rafah. Pro-Palestinian protests are sweeping across college campuses, calling for an end to the war and divestment from companies doing business in Israel.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians

Bernie Sanders criticizes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for deflecting criticism of the Israel-Hamas war by alleging antisemitism, urging the U.S. to end financial and military support for Israel. Sanders argues that Israel's response to Gaza has been grossly disproportionate, leading to thousands of casualties, mostly women and children. He condemns antisemitism but insists that most protesters are against Hamas, not antisemitic.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu criticizes Biden administration's sanctions on IDF unit

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the Biden administration's decision to sanction an IDF unit for alleged human rights abuses against Palestinians. The sanctions are seen as absurd and morally wrong by Netanyahu and other Israeli politicians.

U.S. - Israel relations and Iran conflict

President Biden reassures Israeli Prime Minister of U.S. support but declines participation in retaliatory counteroffensive against Iran, citing concern of being dragged into broader conflict.

Israel-Iran conflict

Israel claims to have destroyed 99 percent of incoming Iranian fire, with only a few ballistic missiles getting through. Prime Minister Netanyahu has convened his war cabinet, but Israel's response remains uncertain.

Iranian Attack on Israel

Iran launched over 300 missiles and drones at Israel, most intercepted; army base damaged; casualties reported. US, UK, and Jordan intercepted drones. China calls for calm. Biden to discuss response with G7 leaders. Concerns about Israeli response to Iranian attack.

US-Israel-Iran Conflict

President Biden tells Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu that the US will not support any counterattack against Iran after Iran bombarded Israel in response to a drone strike in Syria. US forces intercepted drones and missiles during the attack, but do not want to engage in direct conflict with Iran. Biden reaffirms America's commitment to Israel's security and plans to coordinate a diplomatic response with G7 leaders.

U.S. stance on supporting Israel in a counterattack on Iran

President Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu that the U.S. would not support an Israeli counterattack on Iran, despite previous joint air drills and assurances of support for Israel's security. Biden aims to avoid escalation, especially during an election year.

Israeli Airstrike Kills Sons of Hamas Leader

Three sons of Hamas' top political leader were killed in an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip, escalating tensions in the ongoing conflict. The leader accused Israel of acting in the spirit of revenge and murder, vowing not to cave in to pressure. The situation has strained relations between Israel and the U.S., with President Biden criticizing Netanyahu's handling of the conflict and urging for increased aid to Gaza.

Criticism of President Biden's Stance on Israel

Abraham Foxman criticizes President Biden for constant criticism of Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu, claiming it strengthens Hamas. Biden's shift in policy aligns with Hamas demands, while ignoring abuses of Hamas. Foxman and others express concern over undermining Israel's democratically elected government and leader.

Israel-Iran Conflict Escalation

Israel's foreign minister warns of direct attacks on Iran if Iran launches an attack on Israel from within its territory. The exchange of threats between Israel and Iran could escalate into a regional conflict. President Biden criticizes Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's approach to the war in Gaza.

President Biden criticizes Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in Israel-Hamas conflict

President Biden criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's role in the Israel-Hamas war, calling it a mistake.

President Joe Biden's criticism of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

President Joe Biden criticizes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's handling of the Israel-Hamas war, calling for a cease-fire and increased aid to civilians in Gaza.

Anti-Netanyahu Protests in Israel

Anti-government protests in Israel are fueled by frustration and President Biden's encouragement. The opposition to Netanyahu is largely psychological. Democrats dislike Netanyahu for opposing their visions and for being better at understanding Americans. Israelis want Netanyahu gone due to his long tenure and the diminishing power of the left. The protests lack substance, with little evidence supporting the claims against Netanyahu.

Israeli Protests and Public Opinion on the War with Hamas

Protests in Israel are gaining momentum as people demand the return of hostages taken during Hamas attacks. Dissatisfaction with Prime Minister Netanyahu is high across the political spectrum, with different perceptions on his leadership. Israelis prioritize bringing back hostages over concerns for the suffering in Gaza.

Israel-Hamas Conflict Aftermath

Israel finds itself in a far different place six months after declaring war against Hamas, bogged down in Gaza, divided domestically, isolated internationally, and increasingly at odds with its closest ally. The risk of a broader regional war remains real.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians in the Middle East

President Biden expressed concerns to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu about Israeli strikes that killed aid workers and humanitarian conditions in Gaza, urging for specific, concrete, and measurable steps to address civilian harm and humanitarian suffering.

Biden to Speak with Netanyahu on Israeli Military Strikes

President Joe Biden is scheduled to speak with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the Israeli military strikes that killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers. Biden is angry over the incident and Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to join the call remotely. The strike occurred despite coordination between the aid workers and the Israel Defense Forces, leading to the pause of operations in the region.

Biden's Call with Netanyahu and Recent Events in Israel

Biden is angry about Israeli strikes killing aid workers in Gaza, will convey anger to Netanyahu. Israel thwarts planned terror attacks, U.S. military shoots down drones. Holocaust survivors share stories, Gaza death toll rises. Australian PM demands accountability from Israel. World Central Kitchen calls for independent investigation into the strikes.

Biden to Speak with Netanyahu After Aid Workers Killed in Gaza

President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are expected to speak by phone following the deaths of aid workers in Gaza. Biden criticized Israel for not doing enough to protect aid workers.

Israeli Airstrike in Gaza

Israeli airstrike in Gaza kills World Central Kitchen workers, sparking fallout. Netanyahu apologizes.

Israeli Airstrike on Aid Workers in Gaza

Israeli airstrike kills aid workers in Gaza, including citizens of Australia, Britain, and Poland. Prime Minister Netanyahu calls it 'tragic' and promises an independent inquiry. World Central Kitchen charity convoy hit despite unloading humanitarian aid. International condemnation and pressure for humanitarian relief in Gaza.

Israeli Airstrike in Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses unintentional strike that killed aid workers in Gaza, expresses condolences and emphasizes the tragic nature of the event.

Protests in Israel Against Prime Minister Netanyahu

Protesters in Israel demand Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu step down in the largest demonstrations since the war with Gaza began six months ago.

Israeli Protests Against Government Handling of Israel-Hamas War

Tens of thousands of Israelis protest against the government's handling of the Israel-Hamas war, demanding a cease-fire and early elections. Hostages' families are critical of Prime Minister Netanyahu's leadership and handling of negotiations. Netanyahu faces corruption charges and opposition as he vows to destroy Hamas and recover the hostages. The war has deepened divisions in Israeli society and led to economic concerns due to ongoing conflict.

Protests in Jerusalem against Netanyahu's Government

Protests against Benjamin Netanyahu's government erupted in Jerusalem over criticism of the response to a Hamas attack on Israel. Clashes also occurred over the exemption of ultra-Orthodox Jews from military service.

Protest in Jerusalem for Cease-Fire Deal and Hostage Release

Tens of thousands of Israelis protest in Jerusalem demanding a cease-fire deal to free hostages held by Hamas. Divisions arise over Prime Minister Netanyahu's leadership and failures in hostage negotiations. International mediators struggle to reach a breakthrough. Families of hostages express growing displeasure with the government.

Discussion on the Israel-Hamas War

Sen. Rick Scott criticizes the Biden administration's stance on the Israel-Hamas war, while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to invade Rafah despite pressures from Ramadan and Washington. Netanyahu vows to eliminate Hamas battalions in Rafah to secure victory.

Anti-government protests in Tel Aviv against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Tens of thousands of Israelis protested in front of the military's headquarters in Tel Aviv against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, marking a significant turning point for the Israeli public.

Israeli Prime Minister's Hernia Diagnosis and Surgery

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu diagnosed with a hernia, will undergo surgery. Democrats internally debating Middle East conflict. Tensions rise between U.S. and Israel over U.N. resolution on Gaza cease-fire.

Change in American Position on Israel-Hamas Conflict

Rep. Beyer discusses the changing American position on the Israel-Hamas conflict, highlighting the U.S. abstention from a U.N. resolution on a ceasefire and the need to pressure Netanyahu to conduct the war more sensibly. President Biden faced protests during a fundraiser in New York City regarding his stance on the conflict.

Israel's Supreme Court ruling on state funding for ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students

Israel's Supreme Court orders an end to state funding for ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students who do not serve in the army, potentially jeopardizing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership. This comes amidst a war with Hamas in Gaza and tensions over military conscription exemptions for the ultra-Orthodox community.

U.S.-Israel Relations and Gaza Conflict

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met with Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant after U.S. abstained in UN vote for Gaza cease-fire. Israel plans to launch offensive in Rafah. Netanyahu determined to launch military operation despite U.S. warnings. U.S. facing pressure to help Palestinians. More than 32,000 killed in Gaza offensive. U.S. abstention at Security Council angers Netanyahu. Resolution passed demanding cease-fire, release of hostages, and aid flow expansion. Public opinion in Israel turning against Netanyahu.

Israel-Hamas Hostage Talks in Qatar

Israel withdrew negotiators from hostage talks in Qatar after Hamas toughened demands following a UN resolution for a ceasefire. Netanyahu canceled a meeting with White House advisers over an imminent attack on Hamas. Hamas rejected American compromise proposals and celebrated the UN resolution. Talks between Israel and Hamas continue despite the departure of Israeli negotiators from the Mossad.

Shohei Ohtani's Accusations and Dennis Ross on Netanyahu's Decision

Shohei Ohtani accuses his interpreter of stealing money and spreading lies. Dennis Ross discusses Netanyahu's decision to cancel a visit to Washington after UN resolution on Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Cancels Meeting with White House Officials

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a meeting with White House officials after the U.S. abstained on UNSC Resolution 2728, which called for a ceasefire without linking it to the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas. Netanyahu criticized the U.S. for departing from its previous stance on the issue.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's coalition facing challenge over law drafting religious soldiers

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's coalition faces challenge over law drafting religious soldiers, with tensions between ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities and the rest of the population.

Israeli Politics and U.S.-Israel Relations

Israelis in Jerusalem express disappointment with Senator Schumer's comments on Israeli politics and feel President Biden is turning on Israel for his own political interests. Some shoppers would still vote for Netanyahu despite recent events.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Blinken Regarding Rafah Attack

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu met with U.S. Secretary of State Blinken and expressed the need for an attack in Rafah to defeat Hamas. While hoping for U.S. support, Netanyahu stated Israel was prepared to act alone if necessary. There is a disagreement between the U.S. and Israel on the necessity of the attack.

American Jews' View on Israeli Government

A recent poll shows that 54% of American Jews have a favorable view of the Israeli government, contradicting Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's claim that there is a silent majority of American Jews who are against the Israeli government.

House Speaker inviting Israeli Prime Minister to address Congress

House Speaker Mike Johnson plans to invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress amidst a shifting debate on U.S. policy towards Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Showdown with President Biden Over Potential Military Operation in Rafah

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu faces opposition from President Biden over potential military operation in Rafah to defeat Hamas. Biden opposes invasion, invites Israeli officials for talks in Washington. Netanyahu insists on entering Rafah to destroy Hamas. Political interests at play as Biden faces pressure from anti-Israel activists in Michigan. Netanyahu addresses Senate Republican caucus amid controversy.

Israel's War Against Hamas

Israeli military tours tunnel used by Hamas to attack Israel, ongoing war in Gaza, Israeli government to discuss war against Hamas in Washington, DC, imminent famine in Northern Gaza, Netanyahu losing US support but insists on total victory

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Reception by U.S. Senators

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faced a split reception from U.S. senators with Republicans welcoming him while Democrats declined. This reflects the polarized views on Netanyahu and Israel's actions in Gaza, leading to cracks in bipartisan support for Israel. Tensions are escalating amid a deadly war in the Middle East.

Growing Tensions Between U.S. and Israel

House Republicans are considering inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress amid growing tensions between the Biden administration and the Israeli government.

Israeli Offensive in Rafah

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu plans an offensive in Rafah despite warnings from President Biden, facing pressure from hostages' families and right-wing members of his government. U.S. urges against a ground operation in Rafah due to potential civilian deaths and worsening humanitarian crisis.

Biden Urges Netanyahu to Avoid Military Operation in Gaza

President Biden urged Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu not to carry out a military operation on the city of Rafah in Gaza due to the risk to civilian lives. The two leaders had a 'business-like' meeting with different perspectives on the matter.

Biden warns Netanyahu against military operation in Rafah

President Joe Biden warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against carrying out a planned military operation in Rafah, emphasizing the potential for civilian deaths and worsening humanitarian crisis.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Response to Criticism and Military Actions in Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces criticism and calls for new elections amid the Israel-Hamas war. Netanyahu vows to continue military pressure to secure the release of hostages. The situation in Gaza remains dire, with ongoing violence and challenges in aid deliveries.

Recent Developments in Israel and Gaza

Israel's cabinet approves new federal holiday to honor those killed in recent attacks, aid delivery to Gaza facing challenges, Prime Minister Netanyahu rejects calls for new elections and ground invasion of Rafah, death toll in Gaza rises, cease-fire talks led by Israeli intelligence and mediators resume in Qatar, UNRWA and WHO express grave concerns over situation in Gaza.