Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Cancels Meeting with White House Officials

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a meeting with White House officials after the U.S. abstained on UNSC Resolution 2728, which called for a ceasefire without linking it to the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas. Netanyahu criticized the U.S. for departing from its previous stance on the issue.

Key Points

  • U.S. abstained on UNSC Resolution 2728, leading to Netanyahu canceling the meeting
  • Israel criticizes the U.S. for not vetoing the resolution that did not link ceasefire to the release of hostages
  • Israel prepared to act alone in the conflict with Hamas


  • Netanyahu standing firm on the issue of linking ceasefire to the release of hostages
  • Clarity on Israel's stance in the conflict with Hamas


  • Cancellation of a crucial meeting with White House officials
  • Deterioration of relations between Israel and the U.S.